
e-Agriculture Case Study on E-KOKARI published

case study

e-Agriculture Case Study on E-KOKARI published

You might be wondering, What is E-KOKARI?

E-KOKARI is an interactive voice responsive (IVR) platform developed in Niger and it allows farmers, breeders and buyers to access information, advice, warnings and market prices in the field of agriculture and livestock.

E-KOKARI allows farming communities in Niger to access timely and accurate information they need on the farm. In Niger, like in many parts of Africa, the use of mobile phones have increased and while French is a common language – not every farmer prefers it.

Hence, E-KOKARI was developed to help farmers to access needed information in their own local language by using a mobile phone. Furthermore, the data available on the platform is also voice recorded in the local languages and the users can get access to the information by dialing a short code on their phone.

E-KOKARI was developed by NOVATECH with the financial support from the World Bank, the Ministry of Agriculture and the Niger ICT High Commissioner.

Read the publication here .

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