e-Agriculture Community of Practice reaches 15,000

The e-Agriculture community is now above 15,000 users. e-Agriculture is a global community of practice, where people from all over the world exchange information, ideas, and resources related to the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) for sustainable agriculture and rural development.
Becoming a member of e-Agriculture Community of Practice provides possibilities to:
- Connect with other community members and share experiences
- Follow news and blogs published on the e-Agriculture platform
- Share good practices in the use of ICTs in agriculture
- Learn about new digital trends and innovation in agriculture
- Post and comment on blogs, subscribe to updates and follow broader ICT events
To register, click here
As a community member you can also benefit from the following capacity development activities which include:-
- e-Agriculture Webinars
- e-Agriculture short paced online learning
- e-Agriculture good practices
You can also contribute through
- Publishing your own blogs
- Participating in a forum
- Commenting on published content
- Propose a webinar topic
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