
Evaluation in the age of big data: Opportunities and challenges in agriculture and food security


Evaluation in the age of big data: Opportunities and challenges in agriculture and food security

The EvalForward posted a blog discussing evaluation in the age of big data and exploring opportunities in agriculture and food security.

Evaluators working in the areas of food and agriculture are constantly seeking creative ways to produce credible evaluation findings and recommendations while working under one or more of these constraints.

Big data and data science can make a difference. The potential of big data technologies is especially evident in the current pandemic context.

The blog sets out various challenges that are facing evaluators today and further explains how big data and data analytics can strengthen evaluations. A number of emerging technologies have lightened the load for evaluations in terms of obtaining data.

Why not read the full blog here for more information? 

About EvalForward

EvalForward is a Community of Practice on Evaluation for Food Security, Agriculture and Rural Development.It brings together officers and professionals to exchange experience and to strengthen capacities for evaluation at country level. EvalForward intends to contribute to the assessment of progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 2: End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture. 

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