
Join the Digital Agriculture Bootcamp 2022

good practice

Join the Digital Agriculture Bootcamp 2022

Digital Agriculture Bootcamp 2022

(1st-7th December 2022, online)


Meeting ID: 985 1394 6618 | Passcode: Bootcamp22  

Since November 2021, FAO and Zhejiang University (ZJU), through a letter of agreement, have supported the Digital Agriculture Bootcamp event. The Bootcamp is a one-week workshop aiming to enhance the Global AgriInno Challenge (GAC) 2020 and 2021 top winners' digital, entrepreneurial, and innovative skills and improve their solutions.  

The Global AgriInno Challenge (GAC) is an annual worldwide competition for youth agripreneurs and innovators to showcase and promote innovative digital talent. FAO and ZJU have co-organized the 2020 and 2021 GAC. From the two GAC events, out of 329 teams from over 50 countries, nine winning teams were awarded for participating in the bootcamp. 

About the Bootcamp

The Bootcamp is divided into two parts, as follow:

  1. First week - workshop for course training
  2. Second week - a study tour (field trip) in China. This week will be scheduled in line with the local Covid-19 situation and hosted at a later time.

 The fisrt week workshop starts on 1 December afternoon, with attendance from several winning teams from GAC 2020 and GAC 2021.   


December 1
Time (CET) Learning Time (min) Agenda item
8:00-9:00  60 Opening ceremony & Introduction
9:00-11:00  100 Ice-breaking
December 2
8:00-11:00  160

A1. & A2. Industrial outlook and digital agriculture

landscape & Introduce SDGs framework

11:00-12:00   Break
12:00-13:30  80 B1. Theory of Change
13:30-15:00 80 B2. Empathy Map
December 3
8:00-9:30  80 B3. Business model Canvas & Lean Canvas
9:30-11:00  80 B4. Value Chain mapping
11:00-12:00   Break
12:00-15:00 160

A3. Strategies and policies for digital transformation of

agriculture and rural areas

December 4: Take a full daybreak
December 5
8:00-11:00  160 A4. Innovation and application of digital agricultural technology
11:00-12:00   Break
12:00-13:30  80 B5. Get to know yourself and team using MBTI
13:30-14:00  80 B6. Personal Initiative
December 6
8:00-11:00  160

A5. Best practice Sharing: Cases from leading Chinese

agriculture/digital-related companies

11:00-12:00   Break
12:00-13:30  80 B7. Pitch skills-the eight-minute investor pitch
13:30-15:00  80 B8. Financing Strategy
December 7
8:00-11:00  160 B9 & B10. Storytelling session & Coaching session (4 teams)
11:00-12:00   Break
12:00-15:00  160 B11. Product Presentation & Roadshow


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