
Visual Technologies Revolutionizing Food + Agriculture


Visual Technologies Revolutionizing Food + Agriculture

Visual Technologies Revolutionizing Food + Agriculture

About this event

Visual technologies are powering developments in food and agriculture that will change the way the world grows, manufacturers, transports and consumes food. Visual sensors and computer vision will enable the industry to rise to meet the demands of our world today and are generating massive business and investment opportunities.

In this free, virtual event we will give you sneak peek at the findings we will publish in our 2020 LDV Capital Insights report and showcase several keynote speakers who are true pioneers in the food & agriculture space. You will also get to see some of our unpublished research into the visual tech revolutionizing food & agriculture. Our past LDV Capital Insights report have covered Healthcare, Logistics, Manufacturing and how many cameras will be in the world by 2022.


To safely feed our growing population while the coronavirus pandemic rages, global warming accelerates, supply chains get strained and the global economy nose dives, we need visual tech solutions.In this event we will discuss how cameras, sensors and other visual technologies will impact:

  • Yield projections
  • Plant breeding and phenotyping
  • Controlled environment agriculture and vertical farms
  • Animal agriculture
  • Lab grown food & food processing
  • Supply chain traceability and autonomy
  • The future of grocery stores, restaurants and food service
  • And more…


Private Session For Institutional Investors & Family Offices

12:00PM - 1:00PM ET- Fireside Chat: Om Malik, True Ventures, Partner & Evan Nisselson, LDV Capital discuss investing and visual technology trends.- LDV Capital Portfolio Presentations

Public Forum:

  • 1:00PM ET Introduction to LDV Capital & LDV Insights Report 2020
  • 1:10PM ET AgTech Keynote by Jorge Heraud, CEO & Co-Founder of Blue River Technology (Acquired by John Deere)
  • 1:20PM ET LDV Insights Report Findings on Next-Generation Plant Breeding
  • 1:25PM ET Animal AgTech Keynote by Aidan Connolly, CEO of Cainthus
  • 1:35PM ET LDV Insights Report Findings on Automation in Meat Processing
  • 1:40PM ET LDV Insights Report Findings on New Ingredient Discovery
  • 1:45PM ET GroceryTech Keynote by Lindon Gao, Co-Founder & CEO of Caper.ai
  • 1:55PM ET Q&A

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