
Youth in Agriculture as Solid Solution to ending Hunger and Poverty in Africa


Youth in Agriculture as Solid Solution to ending Hunger and Poverty in Africa

The 20th and 21st of August was a hive of activity at the Kigali Conference Centre, where the youth from more than 40 countries, their ministers, government officials and international developmental partners led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations participated in the youth in employment conference.

This conference was co-organized by the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources (Republic of Rwanda), the Food and Agriculture Organization and the African Union (AU). The conference comes as facts indicate that over 60% of Africa’s estimated 1,2 billion people are under the age of 25 and with most youths unemployed. “Could African youths be attracted back to agriculture? ” question resonated to all during the meeting.

The conference aim was to foster an exchange among stakeholders on knowledge and best practices regarding the interfaces between agriculture, youth employment, entrepreneurship, ICT innovations, leading to prioritizing interventions going forward. 

Conference highlights

The conference had main sessions, parallel sessions, #HackAgainstHunger/Africa, virtual consultations and an exhibition of innovative products and services.

One of the parallel session was the Joint NEPAD-FAO project aimed at promoting decent rural youth employment and entrepreneurship in Agriculture and Agribusiness. Get a review of these on the conference website and to follow the thread of discussion on twitter view the following thread here 

High-level Opening Session

The conference opening session that was attended by the FAO Director General, and FAO senior management in Africa, Ministers of Agriculture, AU Commissioner, NEPAD and leaders form other international organization. The opening session can be viewed below

Part One: Opening Session

Part II : Main sessions

Selected sessions

“Voice of the Youth” Special session on youth entrepreneurship

Several youths have successfully entered into agriculture, and serve as role models to fellow youths. The speakers shared their motivations, experiences, challenges and successes in engaging in the sector. Insights were also shared on how successful young entrepreneurs can be better supported to act as role models for their peers  -[ abstract]

Some of the highlights:-

  • Youth asked for access to land and resource to farm
  • Access to capital and better equipment than cash
  • Provide access to markets and technical support
  • Capacity building on new farming methods
  • Agriculture needs rebranding to appeal to young Africans.
Skills development

Key capacities are required to enable youth to participate effectively in competitive agricultural value chains. For example, skills in certification schemes, which regulate some important markets are needed. Training entities and universities may consider setting up an advisory consulting service to provide entrepreneurs with the right information at the right time, particularly for youth who may not have a background in agriculture or business. Equally, Governments must establish and support well-designed and affordable training and mentorship to build the entrepreneurial skills of youth.

Digital Innovations in African Agriculture

FAO ha a stand that showcased various digital innovations that are being implemented in agriculture. The following video, summarises the FAO's approach to digital innovations in agriculture.

More information on the conference website 

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