
GIEWS - Global Information and Early Warning System


GIEWS - Global Information and Early Warning System

The Global Information and Early Warning System on Food and Agriculture (GIEWS) was created by the Committee on World Food Security (CFS) as a response to the generalized food crisis of the early 1970s. Over the years, GIEWS has established itself as one of the world’s leading source of information on global food security.

The GIEWS website provides access to food security related information at global, regional and national levels in the form of reports, country analysis and web-based tools dor data analysis. A subscribtion option has also been created for users to get the latest notifications through RSS feed and mailing list.

GIEWS' aim is to harmonize food security and early warning data across countries and to strengthen analytical capacity of key national institutions to support food security policy formulation and emergency interventions.

FAO also partnered with the World Food Programme (WFP) to form the Crop and Food Security Assessment Missions (CFSAMs) for country-based requests on food policies and emergencies. Its purpose is to provide timely and reliable evidence and information so that appropriate actions can be taken by governments.

Source: GIEWS

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