
The Role of a Telecom Operator in Agricultural Poverty Alleviation

The Role of a Telecom Operator in Agricultural Poverty Alleviation

Organizations who drive Information and Communication Technology for Development (ICT4D) initiatives together with Telecom Operators can address one or more aspects of agricultural poverty using their core competencies on ICT. A telecom operator can mainly focus on the “isolation" which is part of the poverty cycle and drive their development initiatives as part of their business expansion connecting more and more rural people. Due to Isolation, - Little participation (not part of the mainstream) - Less informed (not aware) - Few contacts with important people/institutions (such as markets, other services and extension workers) Once farmers are connected with the rest of the world with mobile phones, they will be empowered with information such as micro credit facilities, agricultural technical know-how, market prices, public services, etc. allowing them to make decisions that are better informed. Most of the farmer communities are living in disaster prone areas, and more vulnerable to natural and man-made disasters. Communication facilities will make them more resistant and minimize the negative impact of those (floods, cyclones, storm, etc.). Powerlessness always leads to exploitation, but a more connected community is harder to be exploited and will have the power to negotiate on terms such as labour and production. Sameera. http://ict4d-in-srilanka.blogspot.com