
Nano Ganesh technology continues to break new grounds


Nano Ganesh technology continues to break new grounds

Nano Ganesh (developed by the engineer Santosh Ostwal) is a device that uses mobile phones to remotely monitor and switch on irrigation pumps for watering crops. Nano Ganesh continues to be internationally getting visibility and mostly due to its life changing potential to farmers.

Recently, the story of Nano Ganesh was covered by the Pune Mirror newspaper where they chronicled the history and development of this technology.

Started in 2004, the development community still continues to recognise and appreciate Nano Ganesh- for example in 2011 Santosh was honoured as the Tech Award Laureate, by the Tech Museum in Silicon valley and most recently it was covered in the UNESCO published Nano Ganesh case study.

How is the technology applied? Using their mobile phone, a farmer can switch off and on their water pump remotely. This has come with many benefits, saves time, saves electricity, saves water, and soil from erosion.

The coverage of the Nano Ganesh innovation

Nano Ganesh: Case study by UNESCO-Pearson Initiative for Literacy

Summary: The Nano Ganesh service by Ossian Agro Automation Private Limited provides a mobile-based remote control and monitoring system for irrigation water pumps in India, which saves water and time for around 400,000 farmers. Even low-literate users can practice environmentally-friendly and sustainable farming using the service, which is largely audio-based and requires basic mobile phone skills and numeracy.

Ossian Agro’s approach involves training farmers and local technicians on pump installation and usage – sometimes via live video demonstrations – thereby introducing digital support skills to the whole community.

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Success stories on Information and Communication Technologies for Agriculture and Rural Development

Summary: The story experience of Nano Ganesh was covered in this FAO publication. The preface stated, 'This publication showcases a few case studies where innovative use of emerging technologies together with capacity development has brought about rich dividends. Digital Green’s experiences in knowledge sharing among rural communities to Nano Ganesh’s innovative use of technology in switching on irrigation pumps have the potential to contribute significantly to the livelihoods of farming communities' -  Read more 

Remote control of water pumps with mobile phones in India (e-Agriculture Webinar)

Summary: This video is the recording of a webinar organized by e-Agriculture and Nano Ganesh e-Irrigation.This innovation features an electronic hardware based remote control system, operated by a mobile phone with mobile​signal connectivity at both ends. It serves as an interface between the high voltage starters of the waterpumps and the low voltage GSM modules, enabling farmers to switch the water pump on and off and to check the availability of power. view video

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