
Drones in Agriculture, Free eBook Available


Drones in Agriculture, Free eBook Available


Agriculture has been one of the fastest adopters of drones and they are being implemented in the various agricultural practices. One of our colleagues discovered a free publication entitled, “Drones in Agriculture: The Ultimate Guide to Putting Your Drone to Work on the Farm” which we share with all of you

  • Title: Drones in Agriculture: The Ultimate Guide to Putting Your Drone to Work on the Farm
  • Author: DroneDeploy
  • Publisher: TradePub.com

Brief Review

This publication offers practical help to farmers to implement drone solutions in their farms. Drone solutions have been used by farmers to detect crop health issues, pests’ invasion and monitoring and assess losses after a major disaster. This publication is designed with the farmer in mind, the e-book has all needed to put a UAV to work in the field. Some of the topics covered include:-

  • Putting Your Drone to Work on the Farm
  • Early Detection of Plant health and identifying crop stress
  • Taking Aerial view on the fields
  • Using Drones before and after the harvest

This book then gives a simple explanation of how to fly drones, take images and how to integrate drone maps with field data. This publication is simple to follow and self-explanatory.

Download* this eBook to learn:

  • How to measure plant health and identify crop health with drone maps
  • How to make more informed decisions with plant count and establishment tools
  • How to use aerial imagery to assess crop damage and mitigate loss

More information here 

*You will need to register to download

This publication is shared as news to the e-Agriculture Community and this news items is by no way a promotion of this publication over other existing ones. 

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