
Call for Speakers to the 11th ICT4D Conference


Call for Speakers to the 11th ICT4D Conference

The ICT4D Conference organising committee is pleased to announce the "Call for Speakers" to the 11th ICT4D conference which will take place on April 30th to May 3rd 2019 in Kampala, Uganda.

ICT4D conference is a yearly gathering that bring together public, private and civil society organizations from across the humanitarian and international development community. Participants share how they have used innovations in technology to solve today's humanitarian and developmental issues and also how ICTs increase impact of their work.

Conference themes for 2019
  • Agriculture
  • Digital Financial Inclusion
  • Digital Diversity: Gender and Disability Inclusion
  • Education and Digital Literacy
  • Health and Nutrition
  • Humanitarian Response and Resilience
  • Digital Development in Uganda
  • Supply Chain
  • Water Security (WASH, Water Resource Management)
  • Youth Engagement

Speakers are selected with reference to the following criteria:

  • Exceptional innovation in ICT4D
  • Credibility and experience of the presenter and/or organization
  • Clarity of the submitted abstract
  • Relevance of abstract to conference themes
  • Verifiable results and impact of the program/project
  • Extent to which the program/project is replicable and scalable
  • Diversity of speaker or program beneficiary: this includes but is not limited to gender, age, nationality, previous participation as a speaker, region where speaker is based

A limited number of scholarship awards are available to applicants to speak. These awards are primarily open to applicants from Local NGOs, NFPs or social enterprises or organizations headquartered in global south regions as defined by the World Bank.

Awards are made by the ICT4D Conference Scholarship Committee and are based on criteria including a demonstration of excellence in ICT4D and economic need.  You may opt to apply for a scholarship in your application to speak.

We particularly encourage applicants in the youth category to apply. You will be asked to write a short essay outlining why you require a scholarship. Closing date for scholarship applications is November 30 2018.

To apply click here 

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