
Digital Innovation Youth Entrepreneurship Workshop

Digital Innovation Youth Entrepreneurship Workshop

In 2018, FAO launched multiple open innovation challenge to find high-potential digital solutions to address challenges faced by food and agriculture and improve livelihoods. Participants benefited from the specific know-how and skill sets of FAO and private sector experts in IT development, food and agriculture, business model canvas and pitching, culminating in a final pitch sessions and awards for the most innovative, scalable, impactful and financially sustainable start-ups or solutions.

From 19-20 August, 24 entrepreneurs, 8 teams across 7 countries in Africa came together in Kigali, Rwanda to transform food and agriculture, generate economic growth and youth employment opportunities. Young entrepreneurs and hackers from Benin, Uganda, Zambia, Cameroon, Nigeria, Senegal, and Rwanda spent 2 days accelerating high-potential innovations alongside FAO and public and private sector experts at ICT Chamber’s KLab, part of FAO’s Regional Conference on Youth Employment and ICTs in Food and Agriculture as a Solid Solution for Ending Hunger.

CIO’s Digital Innovation Unit, in collaboration with FAO Africa (RAF) and AGDR, have coordinated the awards for the top 4 winning teams from the hackathon in Rwanda, inviting the 1st and 2nd winning team to the Digital Innovation Days in HQ on 19-21 November and all four top winning teams to present in FAO’s International Symposium on Agricultural Innovation for Family Farmers as part of the Innovation Fair and Youth Event.

The Digital Innovation Youth Entrepreneurship Workshop will bring together the young entrepreneurs who won the #HackAgainstHunger/Africa innovation challenge with internal and external developers, as well as FAO technical experts, to discuss key topics related to innovation development, acceleration, and scale up. The sessions will include presentation-style sessions in the mornings, breaking off into working groups in the afternoon to discuss key challenges and opportunities of new trends, technologies and approaches for food and agriculture. 

The meeting agenda

  Monday 19 November Session Leaders Location
8.30-9.00 Check-inWelcome from CIO-Director and Head of Digital Innovation Samuel Varas, CIO-DirectorJames Azevedo Gorgen, Head of Digital Innovation UnitEduardo Machado, CIOD CIO-Director Office
9:00-10:00 Introduction to Development TeamTechnical Presentations by Hackers (10 min each team)Presentation by Development Team Eduardo Machado (CIOD)Carlos Bravo (CIOD)Karl Morteo (CIOD) Queen Juliana Room
10:00-10:30 Interactive Session with Digital Innovation Unit (1)Quick Intro - Unit Presentation (5 min)Blockchain for food and agriculture (10 min)- Q&A (10 min)Machine Learning and AI (FishID) (10 min)- Q&A (10 min) Erik VanIngen – BlockchainKarl Morteo - FISHID Queen Juliana Room
10:30-11:00 Coffee Break   Queen Juliana Room
11:00-11:30 Working session On Blockchain and Machine Learning Erik VanIngen Karl Morteo Queen Juliana Room
11:30-12:30 FAO Guided Tour Matterne, Virginie (OCCO) Around FAO
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch   8th Floor
14:00 -15:30 Models to mainstream Plant Pest detection& Working Session Keith Cressman (AG) David Hughes, Associate Professor of Entomology and Biology (Penn State Univ, USA)Carlos Bravos (CIO)Alfredo Irarrazaval (CIO) Queen Juliana Room
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break   Queen Juliana Room
16:00-17:00 Working session Carlos Bravos (CIO)Alfredo Irarrazaval (CIO) Queen Juliana Room
Agenda – Day 2 – Tuesday 20th of November    
  Tuesday 20 November Participants Location
8.30-9.00 Check-in Daniela CIO
9:00-10:00 Open Working Session with Development Team Eduardo Machado (CIOA)Karl Morteo (CIOD) Queen Juliana Room
10:00-11:15 WAPOR. Remote Sensing and Local sensors for precision irrigation Jippe Hoogeveen (CBL) Karl Morteo Francesco Calderini (CIO) Queen Juliana Room
11:15-11:45 Coffee break   Queen Juliana Room
11:45: 12:30 Working Session Karl Morteo Francesco Calderini (CIO) Queen Juliana Room
12:30 - 14:00 Lunch   8th floor
14:00 -15:30 Upcoming CIO projects in Africa Scaling-up mobile Applications: FAO Digital Services Portfolio Sergio Bogazzi and Amy Davidson (CIO)Henry & Federica (CIOI) Queen Juliana Room
15:30-16:00 Coffee Break   Queen Juliana Room
16:00-17:00 Growing funding opportunities for Digital Innovation   Katrin Taylor (TCR) Queen Juliana Room