
Call for abstracts on Capacity Building in a Changing ICT Environment 2019 Edition


Call for abstracts on Capacity Building in a Changing ICT Environment 2019 Edition

ITU invites interested authors to submit papers to be considered for the third issue of the publication "Capacity Building in a Changing ICT Environment 2019".

The ITU online publication “Capacity Building in a Changing ICT Environment”, which is released annually, puts together scholarly articles with a focus on capacity building and skills development in the digital era. It covers a wide range of topics related to the ongoing discussions on how digital technologies are transforming job markets, determining new skills sets requirements and driving the digital economy requirements for re-skilling.

The previous issue, Capacity Building in a Changing ICT Environment 2018 can be found here, for those who want to see the format of the articles and writing style.

The full details can be found here

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