
Establishing the International Digital Council for Food and Agriculture


Establishing the International Digital Council for Food and Agriculture

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN is participating in the on-going African Green Revolution Forum and is sponsoring a session entitled, “Establishing the International Digital Council for Food and Agriculture” which will be held on the 3rd of September 2019.

The session will discuss the establishment of the International Digital Council and selected AGRF participants have been invited.

The Background

Today, there are more than 7 billion people on the planet, a figure that is expected to reach 9.6 billion by 2050. Overall food production needs to double in a relatively short period of time to meet food demand of the world's population. It is therefore an imperative for the different agricultural stakeholders to revolutionize the traditional agriculture.

On 19 January 2019, Agriculture ministers from 74 nations adopted a number of resolutions stated in a political communiqué on digitalization in agriculture, which was issued during the Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA). The common voice of the ministers states the need for an International Digital Council that will take action on global digitalization of agriculture.

The main objective of the design-thinking workshop is to initiate discussions on opportunities that an International Digital Council for Food and Agriculture will bring to the sector, once established, and touches upon the scope of the Council and its mission.

The design-thinking workshop is an important first step towards the establishment of the Digital Council and concrete steps are needed to identify the necessary preconditions for establishing the Council.

It is in this regard that AGRF represents a great opportunity for global and African leaders to hold even deeper discussions on the scope and the role of the Council, which is expected to be instrumental worldwide, including in Africa.

Objectives of the session

In order to extend the understanding and influence of the Digital Council in Africa, the expected outcomes of the sided event at AGRF are as follows:

  • Agree on a focused niche (for the African continent) for the Digital Council’s scope of work;
  • Discuss the concept and potential opportunities that the Council will bring as well as the expected impact, especially for Africa. A brief discussion will be held and recommendations will be collected;
  • Discuss specific features of the Digital Council (i.e. type of legal body; governance of the Council; promotion and advocacy mechanisms for the Council, etc.).

We will update you on this platform as the details of the event emerge

FAO's team will participate in the following sessions of the AGRF 2019

  • High-level session: Establishing an international Digital Council for Food and Agriculture, chaired by FAO. The session will be held during AGRF 2019 on Tuesday, September 3rd from 11.30 to 13.30 in the Investment Center – Boardroom 1 and participation is by invitation only. 
  • FAO CIO Director will also be speaking in the Panel Discussion on Evidence-Based Leadership and Data Systems on Tuesday, 3 September from 14:30 – 16:30. 
  • Meng Zeng will be speaking at the CTA Pitch AgriHack - Pitching Session on Thursday, 5 September to insights on FAO activities and opportunities in relation with digitalisation and young entrepreneurs. 

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