
Developing Digital Agriculture Strategy in Europe and Central Asia

Hungary, Budapest

Developing Digital Agriculture Strategy in Europe and Central Asia

The joint ITU-FAO session will will take place on 11 September 2019 at 11.00h.

This session will be held within the framework of the ITU Regional Initiative for Europe on ICT-centric innovation ecosystems that aims at establishing a sustainable culture of innovation through concrete strategic actions using information and communication technology (ICT) as an enabler.The main objective of this session is to bring together high-level stakeholders such as Ministries and Regulators from ICT sector as well as Agriculture’ Ministries to share best practices and case studies, highlight gaps and identifying sustainable funding models to support e-agriculture, and focus on e-agriculture strategies and regulations systems across countries.Whilst strengthening collaboration between the countries, FAO and ITU, this session will provide a unique opportunity for high-level dialogue and discussion between ITU and countries’ Ministers and Regulators operating in the e-Agriculture domain, setting a platform for strengthening national, international and cross-sectorial cooperation.


  • Mrs. Sophie Treinen, Information and Knowledge Management Officer, Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (REU), UNFAO
  • Mr Jaroslaw Ponder, Head of the ITU Office for Europe, International Telecommunications Union.

Panellist (s):

  • Dr Aniko Juhasz, Deputy Minister of Agriculture, Hungary
  • Mr Geert Kits Niewenkamp, Agricultural Counsellor, at Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Hungary
  • Mr.Marcin Cinchy, President, Office of Electronic Communications
  • Mr Davit Babayan, Head of Extension and Science Department. Ministry of Economy