
E-Agri East Africa Summit 2017

Kenya, Nairobi

E-Agri East Africa Summit 2017

With 60% of uncultivated arable land untapped in Africa, agriculture is earmarked as an economic engine for the continent. Growing trade volumes in the East African region provides both opportunities and challenges.

A major obstacle facing the region’s agri sector is the use of innovative ways to utilise technology for improved production and increased productivity. E-agriculture offers a wide range of solutions to agricultural challenges and has great potential in promoting sustainability in the region.

It is against this background that the African Agri Council presents e-Agri East Africa Summit taking place 28 Feb – 1 March in Nairobi, Kenya. This is Africa’s only platform of its kind that brings together proven innovative e-agriculture solutions for preventing post-harvest losses, improved production and increased productivity to improve the supply chain process from farmer to market and to enhance food security in the region.

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