
m-Omulimisa, the mobile extension officer

In Uganda, the spread of agronomical information is quite challenging, and the number of extension officers cannot meet the growing demand from farmers who often need immediate assistance. Thanks to innovations in information technology, mobile and web-based platforms are proving to be a huge help. m-Omulimisa provides smallholder farmers with real-time farming information and solutions written in local languages via mobile technologies. Farmers can use their phones to ask questions in languages that they understand, and receive understandable feedback from extension officers in the region...

WeFarm: Connecting Small farmers without internet

There are about 500 million small-scale farmers on Earth, and most of them live on less than $1 a day. They’re often separated from larger population centers, or lack the means to educate themselves on specialized farming methods. Internet connections might be less common in the developing world, but mobile technology is pervasive. Today, 90% of smallholder farmers are able to access a basic mobile phone. In Africa especially, people have turned directly to mobiles instead of owning first personal computers. WeFarm is a peer-to-peer (P2P) knowledge sharing platform for small-scale farmers in...

Mdiet: The app of the Mediterranean Diet

Mdiet is an application designed for smartphones and tablets providing essential knowledge on the Mediterranean diet. What is the Mediterranean diet?, which kind of food does it include exactly?, what are its recipes? Mdiet provides an answer to all these questions. The human right to access to food, established in 2000 by the Millennium Summit of the United Nations , goes through proper nutrition for good health. The Mediterranean Diet is an essential element to achieve these goals and that is why it was declared an Intangible Heritage of Humanity by the UNESCO in 2010. The 300 type foods...

Fisher folk in Ghana to benefit from 'Tigo Fishers Network Initiative'

The USAID’s Ghana Sustainable Fisheries Management Project (SFMP) signed a partnership agreement with the Ghana Fisheries Commission and Tigo Ghana called "Tigo Fishers Network Initiative." which aims to provide fisher folk with tailored mobile solutions using Tigo platform. In Ghana, 10 per cent of the population work directly or indirectly in the fishing sector, which generates over one billion dollars in revenue annually and accounts for at least 4.5 per cent of Ghana's GDP. Photo Credits: stopillegalfishing.com Tigo Fisheries Network will provide fisher folk information access on best...

FAO develops a new tech app to boost national agric targets in Rwanda

The Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) in conjuction with the Ministry of Agriculture and Animal Resources and the Ministry of Youth and ICT has launched a new project called ' Agricultural Services and Digital Inclusion in Rwanda ". Mobile applications in this project This project is set to develop four mobile applications: "Cure and feed your livestock","eNtrifood","Weather and crop calendar"and "AgriMarketplace". The applications centre around the four themes - animal health and feed,weather and climate change adaptation services, nutrition and agricultural market. These Apps will be...

Ecosia search engine: Plant trees while you search the web

Ecosia is a search engine that plants trees each time you search for something. The Bing-powered search engine earns about half a Euro cent with each search and spends 28 cents to plant a tree. So to plant one tree Ecosia only needs about 56 searches. This way, the Berlin-based search engine has already planted over 7 million trees worldwide. Ecosia has focused on planting trees as it presents countless advantages, among which fighting climate change, restart water cycles, turn deserts back into fertile forests and provide nutrition, employment, education, medical assistance and political as...

World Food Program teams up with WeRobotics to use drones in emergencies

The World Food Program (WFP) is officially partnering with WeRobotics to develop coordination mechanisms to guide the safe and effective use of aerial robotics (UAVs) in response to humanitarian disasters. Assisting 80 million people in around 80 countries each year, the World Food Programme (WFP) is the leading humanitarian organization fighting hunger worldwide, delivering food assistance in emergencies and working with communities to improve nutrition and build resilience. UAVs are increasingly recognised by humanitarian organizations for their potential effectiveness in disaster response...
NewsletterIssued on 07.09.2018
Monthly Newsletter

e-Agriculture Newsletter.March, 2017


Dear Reader,

The month of February marked the 10th year anniversary of the e-Agriculture Platform. The platform was launched in 2007 by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations and 13 founding partners.

Thus, the e-Agriculture platform became a global initiative to enhance sustainable agricultural development and food security by advocating for the use of ICTs in agriculture and rural development.The ten year review report of the e-Agriculture as a programme was documented here.

By December 2014, the community had grown to more than 12,000 registered members and more than 35,000 followers through social media channels, for example @e_agriculture twitter with 41,000 followers. In the past decade, e-Agriculture has documented many successful projects which have used ICTs to improve farmers’ access to agricultural information and knowledge. 

One of the early comparative advantage of the e-Agriculture platform was the ‘forum’ discussions which focused on a chosen topics in ICTs and Agriculture.

The e-Agriculture Community of Practice will continue to play a role in monitoring new developments, validating models and methodologies, examining emerging trends and further possibility of adoption of emerging technologies in agriculture and rural development.

In the coming months, a number of changes will be implemented to usher in improved services and also better align content to the needs of our community.

e-Agriculture Survey Results 2017

In the month of January 2017, the e-Agriculture team carried out a user survey in order to get feedback from its community that will inform of the priorities for 2017 and the continuous improvement of the platform.The survey was conducted in the three languages currently used by e-Agriculture platform - English, French and Spanish. Of the respondents who participated in the survey, 357 were in English, 50 in French and 66 in Spanish.

Some of the selected findings include:-

  • More users are interested in receiving news, newsletters and events
  • More than 75% of the users are interested in following forum discussions
  • Users were interesting in knowing how they can contribute in the forum discussions.
  • Users indicated the topics most used and sections visited oftenly.

The feedback from the survey will be used to improve the current platform and will also be incorporated into the design of the new platform. A new taxonomy has already been implemented that will allow users to view content based on the taxonomy on the Themes and Countries, and Partners . Other changes will be announced as they happen in due course.


The e-Agriculture team periodically organise forum discussions on a topic relevant to ICTs and agriculture.In the month of March 2017, the e-Agriculture ran the first forum of the year.

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Upcoming Forum: e-Forum on ICTs and Open Data in Agriculture and Nutrition

Current Forum: The Role of ICTs in Sustainable Crop Production Intensification (SCPI) of horticulture crop based system (mainly fruits, vegetables, roots and tubers). 

Previous Forum: Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) for Resilience. Download policy brief here

To participate in any forums on e-Agriculture, you will need to be a registered member of the e-Agriculture Community. 


The following is a selection of the news received from e-Agriculture partners. The full listing of e-Agriculture partners can be found here

ICTUpdate: Open Data benefits for Agriculture and Nutrition

This CTA Update newsletter focused on Open Data benefits for Agriculture and Nutrition within the GODAN framework. Of interest is the focus on the impact of open data for farmers and the benefits thereof to smallholders vulnerable farmers. The issue also looks at the Kenyan government to open up its agricultural data through the Open Data Initiative started in 2011.

The articles inside the newsletter are:-

  • Actions to turn the power of Open Data into real impact
  • Kenya opens up agricultural data
  • The impact of Open data on Small holder farmers
  • Translating complex data into accessible articles

Digital Disruption: farming Transmogrified

The WorldBank hosted the seminar, Digital Disruption: Farming Transmogrified, through its Community of Practice for ICT in Agriculture held on Wednesday the 25th of March 2017.

The seminar brought together private sector actors together in sharing how ICT and digital tools are bringing about surprising and almost magical life-changing transformation (transmogrification) for small and traditional farmers around the world.

Different agricultural solutions and digital tool were presented. The panel of speakers were drawn from Hello Tractor, CiBo Technologies, Dobbin International Inc, Plant Village, Vodaphone and Edenred.


There are a number of ICT related projects and solutions in agriculture and are being covered on the e-Agriculture Platform, some are also mentioned in the news, blogs, policy briefs and forums. Browse this months selection below.


eLocust3 is the latest update to the eLocust series that allows national survey and control officers in locust-affected countries to record and transmit data in real time via satellite from the field to their national locust centres. This data is the basis for the global Desert Locust monitoring and early warning system that is operated by the Desert Locust Information Service (DLIS) at FAO Headquarters in Rome.

Read the Good Practice Fact Sheet on eLocust


OpenForis  is a free open-source solutions for environmental monitoring that facilitates flexible and efficient data collection, analysis and reporting.

Learn more about OpenForis here


EMA-i is a mobile app for reporing timely animal disease to enhance surveillance.Surveillance and early warning of animal disease outbreaks, including zoonotic diseases, with potential public health impact enables national authorities to advise at-risk populations. 

Read the Good Practice Factsheet on EMA-i


Below we highlight a selection of news published on e-Agriculture, these include news articles on ICTs, activities in the agriculture and rural development. The full news listing can be read here.

Now Scientific Fact:Mobile Money Can Lift Women Out of Poverty

Read more

Success Stories on Information and Communication Technologies for Agriculture and Rural Development Read more

FAO pushing ahead with digital strategy to equip farmers with ICT

Read more

Connected Agriculture : The role of mobile in driving efficiency and sustainability in agriculture

Read more

Plantwise Knowledge bank, an open access website and app providing information on pest management​ 

Read more


The scope of the e-Agriculture Newsletter is to bring under the attention of the e-Agriculture community recent news, events and achievements in the field of ICTs and agriculture. If you have any contribution, suggestion, or need assistance with the newsletter, please contact us at [email protected].You received this message because you are subscribed to the e-Agriculture Newsletter 

ICTforAg2017 Conference - New Technology for Smallholder Farmers

ICTforAg2017 conference will bring together 300 thought leaders and decision-makers in agriculture and technology from the international development community and the private sector. With community-driven sessions, participants will examine how new innovations can empower smallholder farmers, and the communities that support them, through information and communication technologies (ICTs). The conference will take a particular interest in new ICT solutions that can boost the productivity of both smallholder farmers and agricultural value chains, keeping the discussion inclusive of all possible...

Open Foris: Free open-source solutions for environmental monitoring

OpenForis is a free open-source software for environmental monitoring. It consist in a set of free and open-source software tools that facilitates flexible and efficient data collection, analysis and reporting. Open Foris includes: Collect: Easy and flexible survey design and data management Collect Mobile: Intuitive data collection and validation in the field Collect Earth: Innovative land assessment through freely available satellite imagery Calc: Efficient and collaborative data analysis and results dissemination Geospatial Toolkit: Powerful command-line utilities for processing geospatial...