
Further, faster, together: The vital role of ICTs in mitigating and adapting to climate change

What has ICTs to do with climate change? Malcolm Johnson the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) Deputy Secretary General, answers this question in the published news items coinciding with the COP23 that was discussing The Paris Agreement . He positions ICTs as a solution to the current world climate challenges. These include the (i) reported increase in the concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, (ii) extreme weather induced events happening with increasing frequency. These disasters are estimated to have cost the global economy $520 billion a year and have pushed more...

Measuring the Information Society Report 2017

The International Telecommunications Union (ITU) has released the " Measuring the Information Society Report 2017 ". This report was launched during the World Telecommunication/ICT Indicators Symposium (WTIS) 2017 , in Hammamet, Tunisia. According to ITU, the Measuring the Information Society Report 2017 is a flagship publication widely recognized as the key reference point for the world's most reliable and impartial global data and analysis on the state of global ICT development. Brief notes on the Measuring the Information Society Report 2017 Abstract (as published in the official website)...

10 best bet innovations for adaptation in agriculture

CGIAR scientists have presented a report with 10 innovations for climate action in agriculture. The publication aims to support developing countries to develop locally tailored adaptation strategies that will contribute to the achievement of SDGs. This report comes as the world leaders meet for the UNFCCC Climate Change Conference in Bonn, Germany, where it was launched. Watch the video : 10 innovations for climate action in agriculture Video credit: CGIAR Brief overview of the innovations Agriculture needs to produce 60% more food by 2050 to feed the growing world population yet agriculture...

How technology is primed to transform farming in Rwanda

The NewTimes Newspaper in Rwanda reports the testing of mobile applications developed under the "Agricultural Services and Digital Inclusion in Rwanda" - which includes the four mobile applications - 'Cure and feed your livestock', 'eNtrifood', 'Weather and crop', and 'AgriMarketplace' developed in support of FAO. The testing was done on Tuesday, 7th of November 2017 in Rulindo District, Northen Province in Rwanda. The purpose of the testing was to get the feedback of the technology based on the field farming practices or challenges they face in the farming process. This feedback will help...
NewsletterIssued on 11.12.2018
Monthly Newsletter

e-Agriculture Newsletter November, 2017


In October, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) published ‘The State of Food and Agriculture’ 2017 (SOFA,2017). SOFA is one of FAO’s annual flagship publications that has been published constantly since 1947.

The State of Food and Agriculture aims at bringing to a wider audience balanced science-based assessment of important issues in the field of food and agriculture. SOFA, 2017 focused on leveraging food systems for inclusive rural transformation. The report noted that rural areas, seen as poverty traps, are key to economic growth in developing countries. The full summary of the report’s key messages can be read here.

SOFA and the potential of information and communications technology

One of the key messages of SOFA is that, “modern information and communication technologies are giving multiple options for buying inputs, selling outputs and improving their access to information” (SOFA,2017:49)

The report noted that there is potential in the use of information and communications technologies in helping countries eradicating hunger. The proliferation and improvement in mobile phone coverage and adoption was applauded. For example, in sub-Saharan Africa, mobile phone networks covered less than 10% of the population in 1999 and to date the coverage has increased to 90%.

Some of the benefits of mobile phone increase noted included shortening the distance between isolated smallholder farmers and markets (and other essential services); improved extension support services, for example in India, the national government launched the Kisan Call Centre in 2014 to respond to questions raised by farmers in local dialects.

In Sri Lanka, a virtual trading floor, FarmerNet, connects produce buyers and farmers via text messaging. The other growing use being e-voucher and mobile finance systems for farmers. The report estimates that in future such systems could provide a platform for connecting millions of once-inaccessible small holder farmers in sub-Saharan Africa.

More information here


The G7 Ministers meetings on ICT and Industry and the other on Agriculture were held in September and October respectively. The October 2017, G7 Agriculture ministerial meeting focused on the protection of producers’ income in the context of market crises, natural disasters and climate change. The meeting also looked at the role of agricultural cooperation in migration management. The discussions tied in well with the global issue of migration which also was the heart of discussion of the World Food Day on October 16th. Read more

While the G7 ICT and Industry Ministers met earlier in September 2017, where they discussed trends in technology and their impact on SMEs competitiveness and inclusiveness in the Next Production Revolution (NPR). In the declaration after the meeting they embraced openness as a key feature of the digital transformation. Read more 


In the month of October 2017, the e-Agriculture platform is hosting the e-Agriculture Learning Activity on drones. This self-learning activity is intended to increase the appreciation of drones to members and followers of the e-Agriculture Community of Practice (CoP).

Highlight of the e-Agriculture Learning Activity 

First week summary. The first  week of this activity saw participants interacting with different types of content such as webinars, dedicated pages, recorded content, YouTube videos and WhatsApp discussion group. The variety of content spiced up the learning approach as it was designed to allow individuals without a background in drones to appreciate the learning path and also offer experienced users a chance to observe the various application of drones in agriculture and rural development. More information

Second week summary. During the second week of the activity participants reviewed academic literature on drones, including the ongoing research from Catheline Pieters on the monitoring of orchards using drones. The participants also had the opportunity to present their work during a participants panel and  a peer assist was organizedwhich sought to guide participants in sharing their experiences on drones. More information


This video is the recording of a live webinar in the framework of the e-Agriculture Learning Activity on the use of Drones in Agriculture and Rural Development held on the 19th of October 2017 on the topic of Airborne Agriculture Analytics with Matthew Barre from SLANTRANGE. SLANTRANGE has created a technology platform that overcomes both of these limitations, enabling an efficient and scalable solution that can be utilized on all of the world's agriculture acres. This webinar overviewed the technology as well as several examples of how the products are creating real value on farms across the globe. More information

This is a recorded talk that was presented by Gerard Sylvester from FAO and his presentation introduced drones, provided some useful definitions, presented different types of drones and provided an overview of various equipment associated with drones. More information

In this recording Maricarmen Ruiz from FAO Panama shared her experience on the use of drones for community forest monitoring, while working closely with Indigenous Communities in Panama during a project that was called “Community monitoring of forests in indigenous territories in Panama” supported by ONU-REDD.

She explained why and how the technology was introduced, gave some insights in what worked well and what challenges were faced and what impact the project had on the communities involved. More Information


The e-Agriculture Team held three forum discussions in 2017, these can be viewed in the forums page. The forum report for the 1st e-Agriculture Forum of the year is now published.

The role of ICTs for Sustainable Crop Production Intensification of Horticulture Crop-Based Systems


This discussion summary outlines the contributions made during the online discussion on the role of ICTs for Sustainable Crop Production Intensification (SCPI) of horticulture crop-based systems held from 6 March to 4 April 2017 on the e-Agriculture platform. The discussions brought together experts from different backgrounds, who shared their vision regarding three pre-designed questions.

The forum was well received by the participants as evidenced by the quality and quantity of contributions submitted. It was widely acknowledged that, to sustainably increase horticulture crop production there is a need of embracing ICT, as it offers and promises a multitude of advantages for producing more with less.

Read the report here

The discussion and comments from the participants in that forum can be reviewed here  


The following is a selection of the news and ICT activities from e-Agriculture partners. The full listing of e-Agriculture partners can be found here

World Bank Group

Course Announcement - Digital Dividends: Strengthening the Analog Foundation of the Digital Revolution

The World Bank is offering the "Digital Dividends: Strengthening the Analog Foundation of the Digital Revolution" course which is open from the 7th of November to the 20th of December 2017. The course will benefit a variety of audiences, ranging from student to policymaker, and from entrepreneur to civic actor.

Course Description

More information here

The Technical Centre for Agriculture and Rural Cooperation (CTA)

Social Good Summit Geneva

CTA is partnered with the United Nations Development Programme and hosted the 'Social Good Summit Geneva" which was held under the theme, supporting entrepreneurs to attract investment opportunities. The summit focused on the catalytic role that agriculture, entrepreneurship and ICT innovation can play for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). CTA has been supporting entrepreneurship in ICT for the agrifood market sector through a variety of initiatives, such as the AgriHack Talent programme, whose aim is to help develop business services offered by young e-agriculture start-ups, as well as to contribute to accelerating the adoption of innovations for stronger productivity by the agrifood sector in ACP countries.

The following start ups which CTA is supporting were highlighted:- Hello Tractor (Nigeria), mAgri (Botswana),Ensibuuko (Uganda)FarmDrive (Kenya), Tech–Innov SARL (Niger), Sooretul (Senegal), Revofarm (Jamaica). More information here

The International Telecommunications Union (ITU)


ITU has published its recent newsletter, the WSIS Flash which focuses mainly on the WSIS Forum 2018. This Issue reviews the WSIS Forum 2018 Open Consultation Process, outlining the preparatory process. The WSIS Forum is a unique event of its kind where the programme and agenda are completely crowdsourced. The organizers of the process are ITU, UNESCO,UNCTAD and UNDP.

In this issue of their newsletter, one can read the following topics:-

  • WSIS Forum 2018: Contribute to the Open Consultation Process
  • WSIS Stocktaking Process: Call for New Entries and Regional Reports
  • WSIS Prizes 2018: New Call is Launched
  • UNGIS Members Calendar of Events
  • Become a sponsor of WSIS Forum 2018 and contribute to the WSIS Fund In Trust
  • EQUALS in Tech Awards
  • Online Open Consultation on the topic of "Bridging the Digital Gender Divide"
  • Follow and communicate with the WSIS Process

More information here


In the upcoming months the following events from the community are on schedule. These include meetings, workshops and seminars.

The full collection of past, present and future events can be read here. To submit events for inclusion in the calender of events consult this guide

To include your non-commercial event on the e-Agriculture platform, we would need the following details, title, short description, location and URL of the original announcement.

Selected upcoming events 

Digital Dividends: Strengthening the Analog Foundation of the Digital Revolution - (course) 7 November to 19 December 2017

AACC' 17: International Conference of ICT For Adapting Agriculture To Climate Change -22-24 November 2017

The 4th Global Science Conference on Climate Smart Agriculture - 28 - 30 November 2017

10th ICT4D Conference to be held in Lusaka, Zambia, on 8-10 May 2018 


Below we highlight a selection of news published on e-Agriculture, these include news articles on ICTs, activities in the agriculture and rural development. The full news listing can be read here.

G7 Agriculture Ministers’ meeting communiqué: Empowering farmers, developing rural areas and enhancing cooperation to feed the planet

read more

CTA Perception Survey on the Use of Drones for Agriculture

read more

#SmartFarming4AP – a Pitch Competition for AgTech companies for Andhra Pradesh, India

read more

The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) celebrates 10 years

read more

G7 ICT and Industry Ministers’ declaration making the next production revolution inclusive, open and secure

read more

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2017

read more

WHAT IS......Peer Assist?

This section will introduce each time a new technological term used in agriculture and explain what it means. Furthermore, links to some resources will be provided. To suggest new terms write to us 

What is Peer Assist?The Peer Assist is a tool which supports a ‘learning before doing’ processes in which advice is sought from someone else, or a group that has/have done something similar. This tool encourages participatory learning, by asking those with experience in certain activities to assist those wishing to benefit from their knowledge, through a systematic process, towards strengthened mutual learning - Source FAO

The purpose of the e-Agriculture Newsletter is to bring to the attention of the e-Agriculture community recent news, events and achievements in the field of ICTs and agriculture. If you have any contribution, suggestion, or need assistance with receiving this newsletter, please contact us at [email protected]. You received this message because you are subscribed to the e-Agriculture Newsletter


SMS market information pilot project in Cambodia builds interest

Electronic Marketing Communication System (EMCS) is an sms service designed to improve communication and exchange for Maize, Soya Bean and Cassava in Cambodia. The service was designed to facilitate communication and exchange between farmers and traders in remote regions of the country. The EMS provided information on market price, pricing trends, potential buyers, product quantity and product quality useful to farmers and traders. The EMCS workflows The Electronic Marketing Communication System (EMCS) workflows were was described as shown below EMCS Workshop-Cambodia from STEM Education...

WSIS Flash Issue No 57 : WSIS Open Consultation Process

ITU has published its recent newsletter, the WSIS Flash which focuses mainly on the WSIS Forum 2018. This Issue reviews the WSIS Forum 2018 Open Consultation Process , outlining the preparatory process. The WSIS Forum is a unique event of its kind where the programme and agenda are completely crowdsourced. The organizers of the process are ITU, UNESCO,UNCTAD and UNDP. In this issue of their newsletter , one can read the following topics:- WSIS Forum 2018: Contribute to the Open Consultation Process WSIS Stocktaking Process: Call for New Entries and Regional Reports WSIS Prizes 2018: New Call...

French version of the course on Experience Capitalisation for Continuous Learning (#Cap_Exp)

The French version of the course on Experience Capitalisation for Continuous Learning (#Cap_Exp) is now available online and is hosted on the FAO E-Learning Centre . One can access the FAO E-Learning Centre and register and be able to have a free access to the e-learning module through this www.fao.org/elearning/#/elc/fr/course/EXCAP There us also an option to download the module for offline access to the training materials on ones computer or mobile device (268 MB) About the course Experience capitalization is a systematic, interactive and participatory process through which an experience is...

The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2017

The flagship report," The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2017 " was launched on the 15th of September 2017 at FAO headquarters by FAO,IFAD, WFP, UNICEF and WHO, which marked an expanded partnership than the previous years. The major finding of the report is that after a prolonged decline, estimates indicate that global hunger increased in 2016 and affected 815 million people, and in some parts of the world hunger levels rose sharply - for example, with a famine declared in areas such as South Sudan in early 2017 and will alerts issued in northeast Nigeria, Somalia and Yemen...

How can ICT Transform Agriculture?

The WorldBank is holding a live Facebook chat on how ICT can transform agriculture . 10:00 AM ET | 3:00 P.M GMT Log on here to join About this event Today’s fast-evolving information and communication technology (ICT) represents a tremendous...