
Posts on the topic "International Telecommunication Union (ITU)"

Posts on the topic "International Telecommunication Union (ITU)"

  • WSIS 2017 prize winner: Latvias's Rural Support Service Electronic Application System

    Latvias's Rural Support Service Electronic Application System was named Action Line C7 E-agriculture winner at WSIS 2017 . The prize winners of the 18 different categories are a result of an online consultation resulting of more than 1.1 million votes casted. The Rural Support Service is responsible for the implementation of the European Union support policies in agriculture, forestry, fisheries and rural development. It supervises the compliance of the projects with the laws and regulations in place. The Electronic Application System (EAS) started as system for applying for payments to...
  • Measurement of progress towards the SDGs through ICT indicators

    Measurement of progress towards the SDGs through ICT indicators Date Monday, 12 June 2017, 14:30-16:15 hrs Location Popov Room 2, ITU Tower, Geneva, Switzerland Description The session will highlight the measurement of progress towards the SDGs...
  • WSIS Forum 2017: Information and Knowledge Societies for SDGs

    WSIS Forum 2017: Information and Knowledge Societies for SDGs Date 12-16 June 2017 Location Geneva, Switzerland Description The World Summit on the Information Society Forum (WSIS) 2017 represents the world's largest annual gathering of the ‘ICT for...
  • FAO and ITU meet with Papua New Guinea's government to consult on the e-Agriculture strategy

    Papua New Guinea's Department of Agriculture & Livestock (DAL), the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), among other partners working on ICTs for agriculture, met in Port Moresby on May 30th, 2017 to consult on the e-agriculture strategy for Papua New Guinea. The aim of the meeting was to advance in the implementation and adoption of ICTs in the agricultural sector. Watch the video report on the consultation: Credits: EMTV Papua New Guinea's farmers (which represent the majority of the population) have always...
  • Blog Post30.05.2017

    Invitation to join the Workshop at WSIS Forum 2017 on eKrishok

    Dear Fellow Colleagues,

    Greetings from Bangladesh, Trust all are doing well.

    We are glad to share that BIID will host a session titled eKrishok: Making ICT Works for Agricultural Sector to Empower Farmers and Agro-SMEs during the WSIS Forum Meeting 2017 to be held during June 12-16, 2017 at Geneva, Switzerland and interested to invite experts from other countries and organization to share experiences or contribute as Expert in the session. The session will be held on June 12th at 11 am at Popov Room 1, ITU Tower.

    I like to invite you to join the session and contribute. Your contribution will enrich the session. If anyone interested to speak in the session as Panelist, please let us know at [email protected] 

    For details please follow this link

    See you soon.


    Shahid Uddin Akbar



  • ICT and SDGs: How Information and Communications Technology Can Accelerate Action on the Sustainable Development Goals

    Ericsson and The Earth Institute, Columbria University have published this report entitled, " ICT and SDGs: How Information and Communications Technology Can Accelerate Action on the Sustainable Development Goal s". The authors of this report acknowledge that the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals will call for a transformation of societies and solicitation of technological solutions. ICT, especially mobile broadband, will be the essential infrastructure platform for the SDGs. The reports summarises five ways that ICTs can help in the achievement of the SDGs:- Accelerated...
  • 17 May 2017, World Telecommunication and Information Society Day (WTISD 2017)

    Today 17th of May 2017 marks the World Information Society Day, a day that was proclaimed by the United Nations General Assembly resolution, following the World Summit on the Information Society in Tunis. The main objective of the day is to raise awareness of societal changes brought about by the Internet and new technologies.It also aims to help reduce the digital divide.The theme for WTISD-17, "Big Data for Big Impact," focuses on the power of Big Data for development and aims to explore how to turn imperfect, complex, often unstructured data into actionable information in a development...