Markets and trade


European Union
Commodity Group
Oilseeds, oils and meals
Xylella fastidiosa
Policy Category
Policy Instrument
Pest control
Renewed its efforts to prevent the further spread of the xylella fastidiosa disease, emphasizing the importance of measures to i) control insects known to transmit the pathogen, and ii) minimize the delay between detection and implementation of control instruments, such as removing infected plants and establishing demarcated areas.
The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) updated its assessment of the risks posed by xylella fastidiosa to plants (notably olive trees) and crops in the European Union. The agency found that, while chemical and biological control measures may temporarily reduce disease severity, there still is no known way to eliminate the bacterium from a diseased plant in field conditions. EFSA confirmed the importance of control measures, such as those implemented by the European Commission, to prevent further spread and possibly eradicate outbreaks. In particular it underlined the importance of i) controlling insects known to transmit the pathogen, and ii) minimising the delay between detection and implementation of control measures such as removing infected plants and establishing demarcated areas. Reportedly, the European Commission committed a large part of its 2019 budget for plant health to fight the disease. (See also MPPU Mar./May/Aug.’18 & Mar./May’19)