Markets and trade


Commodity Group
Oilseeds, oils and meals
Palm oil
Policy Category
Consumption and marketing
Policy Instrument
Market regulation
Instructed retailers to remove food and cosmetic products carrying ‘palm oil-free’ labels from their shelves, stating that the term’s use constituted misleading labelling. The move reflects efforts to protect the image of palm oil and safeguard the commodity’s competitiveness.
Indonesia’s National Drug and Food Control Agency (BPOM) ordered retailers to remove food and cosmetic products carrying ‘palm oil-free’ labels from their shelves. BPOM reckons that the term’s use constitutes misleading labelling in that it could lead consumers to perceive products labelled ‘palm oil-free’ as being superior. The move reflects efforts to protect the image of palm oil and safeguard the commodity’s competitiveness. Industry officials welcomed the measure, claiming that trade policies and industry initiatives introduced in a number of countries have led to negative consumer sentiments about palm oil, increasingly threatening global trade in the commodity. (See also MPPU May & July’19)