Markets and trade


Commodity Group
Oilseeds, oils and meals
Oil palm
Policy Category
Policy Instrument
Production sustainability policies
Renewing its commitment to sustainable palm oil production, the Government ordered multiple ministries to coordinate a campaign aimed at: i) improving data management within the oil palm industry; ii) training farmers in sustainable production methods; iii) enhancing the management and protection of the environment; iv) resolving farmland conflicts; and v) fostering international recognition of Indonesia’s palm oil sustainability standard.
INDONESIA – production sustainability (oil palm): In November, the Indonesian Government renewed its commitment towards sustainable palm oil production by issuing a presidential instruction ordering multiple ministries to coordinate a campaign aimed at: i) improving data management within the oil palm industry; ii) enhancing farmers’ capacities; iii) managing and protecting the environment; iv) resolving farm land conflicts; and v) fostering international recognition of Indonesia’s palm oil sustainability standard. While civil society groups welcomed the initiative, some claimed that the sector’s potential to help reduce overall carbon emissions was overestimated, while others perceived risks that illegal plantations could be legitimized and that new plantations could be favoured over reforestation obligations.