Markets and trade

FAO Geneva round tables, symposia and workshops

Geneva Symposia

The experience with implementing the WTO agreement on agriculture and special and differential treatment to enable developing countries to effectively take account of their development needs, including food security and rural development, 2nd October 2002, Palais des Nations, Geneva.


Paper 3: Developing country experience with the implementation of the Uruguay Round Agreement: synthesis of the findings of 23 case studies
Paper 3a
: Developing country experience with the implementation of the Uruguay Round Agreement: synthesis of the findings of 23 case studies: Executive Summary
Paper 4
: Measures to enhance agricultural development, trade and food security in the context of the WTO negotiations
WTO Agreement On Agriculture: The Implementation Experience

Agriculture, Trade and Food Security, 23-24 September 1999, Palais des Nations, Geneva.

Vol. 1
: Issues and Options in the WTO negotiations from the perspective of the developing countries
Vol. 2
: Country Case Studies


Geneva Roundtables

Domestic Support and Export Competition, 5 July 2005, Palais des Nations, Geneva.

Trade-related Issues, 31 May 2005, Palais des Nations, Geneva.

Trade, Environment and Forests – Working Together for Sustainable Development, Joint UNECE/FAO Roundtable, 9 July 2003, Palais des Nations, Geneva


Import Procurement of Basic Foodstuffs and Financing Mechanisms in the context of the WTO Marrakesh Decision on LDCs and NFIDCs, 2 May 2003, Palais des Nations, Geneva.

Background paper
: Mechanisms for Financing Imports of Basic Foodstuffs by Net Food-Importing Developing Countries and Possibilities for Improvement

Commodity-specific trade issues and the implications of possible modalities for commitments in the context of the WTO negotiations on agriculture, 8 November 2002, Palais des Nations, Geneva.

Paper 1
: Salient trends in world agricultural production, demand and trade in food security
Paper 2
: Developments in global agricultural markets since 1995
Paper 3
: Agricultural commodity profiles
Paper 4
: Implications for specific commodity markets of possible modalities for commitments in the areas of domestic support, market access and export competition

Special and differential treatment in the context of the WTO negotiations on agriculture, 1 February 2002, Palais des Nations, Geneva.

Discussion paper 1
: Extending Special and Differential Treatment (SDT) in agriculture for developing countries
Discussion paper 2
: Special and differential treatment of developing countries in agricultural trade
Discussion paper 3
: Proposal for a ‘Development box’ in the WTO Agreement on Agriculture
Discussion paper 4
: Dependence on single agricultural commodity exports
Discussion paper 5
: Issues pertaining to single commodity exports
Discussion paper 6
: Some indicators related to the size of the economy and importance of agriculture

Selected Issues in particular food aid, in the context of the WTO negotiations on agriculture, 30 Novemeber 2001, Palais des Nations, Geneva.

Discussion paper 1
: Food aid in the context of the WTO negotiations on agriculture
Discussion paper 2
: Food aid and the WTO negotiations on agriculture

Food security in the context of WTO negotiations on agriculture, 20 July 2001, Palais des Nations, Geneva.

Discussion paper 1
: Some issues relating to food security in the context of WTO negotiations on agriculture (EFS)
Discussion paper 2
: Incorporating food security concerns in a revised Agreement on Agriculture (EFS)
Discussion paper 3
: Proposal for a ‘Development box’ in the WTO Agreement on Agriculture
Discussion paper 4
: Food security and the WTO
Discussion paper 5
: Food security – a developing country perspective

Selected agricultural trade policy issues, 21 March 2001, Palais des Nations, Geneva.

Discussion paper 1
: A Special Agricultural Safeguard (SAS): Buttressing the market access reforms of developing countries
Discussion paper 2
: Towards improving the operational effectiveness of the Marrakesh Decision on the possible negative effects of the Reform Programme on the Least-Developed and Net-Food Importing Countries
Discussion paper 3
: The future of preferential trade agreements for developing countries and the current round of WTO negotiations on agriculture


Geneva Briefings/Workshops

FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, briefing of the WTO Council for TRIPS, 26 November 2002, Geneva.

Geneva Week, briefing on agriculture issues for non-resident WTO Member countries and non-Members (organised by WTO), September 2001, Geneva.

Codex Alimentarius and the WTO Agreement on Sanitary and Phytosanitary Measures (SPS), October 2000, Palais des Nations, Geneva.

Geneva Week, briefing on agriculture issues for non-resident WTO Member countries and non-Members (organised by WTO), October 2000, Geneva.

The Uruguay Round Agreements: Implication for Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries in the Less-Advantaged Countries, Training Workshop organized jointly with the Swiss Agency for International Trade and Information Cooperation (AITIC), CICG, September 1998.