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Meetings and events

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Ministerial Meeting on Governance and International Commodity Markets

06 Oct 2014 -

FAO Headquarters

The theme for this meeting is governance and international commodity markets, where governance embraces all the formal and informal rules, institutions and organizations and processes through which public and private actors articulate their interests; frame and prioritize issues; and make, implement, monitor, and enforce decisions.

Intersessional meeting of the Intergovernmental Group on Tea

05 May 2014 - 06 May 2014

FAO Headquarters

The interesessional meeting will be considering progress achieved by the various Working Groups of the IGG on Tea.

National workshop on banana production and trade in the context of climate change in Ecuador

21 Jan 2014 - 22 Jan 2014

Guayaquil, Ecuador

This workshop is part of a technical assistance by FAO to Ecuador on banana production and trade under changing climate. It offers an opportunity for experts to present their findings from climate impact assessments on banana in Ecuador.

Trade and market policy for food security: A challenge for trade negotiations - Trade and Development Symposium

04 Dec 2013 -


Side event to be held during the Ninth WTO Ministerial Conference in Bali, from 3 to 6 December 2013 and as part of the Trade and Development Symposium

Support to Russian agriculture in the context of WTO membership: Issues and possible solutions

20 Nov 2013 - 21 Nov 2013

Belgorod, Russia

The main objectives of the workshop are to identify and discuss the key areas of concern facing the agriculture sector in relation to the commitments on agricultural subsidies made on accession to the WTO.

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