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 > Economic and Social Development stream > Meetings and events

Meetings and events

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Resolving Agricultural Trade Issues through International and Regional Trade-related Agreements in the CIS Region

04 Apr 2016 - 29 Apr 2016

This course aims to equip participants with a better understanding of the rules and procedures to address and resolve trade issues for agri-food products under the various trade and trade-related agreements.

Practical Guidance on the Operationalisation of Responsible Investment Principles in Large-Scale Agricultural Investments

13 Oct 2015 -

FAO Headquarters

The Inter-Agency Working Group (IAWG) will present progress of its work programme to develop practical guidance for host country governments, investors, local communities and civil society on how to ensure the responsible conduct of agricultural investment in developing countries.

Annual Meeting of the Agricultural Trade Policy Network in Europe and Central Asia

08 Oct 2015 - 09 Oct 2015

Minsk, Republic of Belarus

During the annual meeting the results achieved during the year, and set up the program of future activities of the Network will be discussed.

Technical workshop on principles guiding new investment in agriculture

29 Sep 2015 - 30 Sep 2015

Accra, Ghana

The workshop built on the outcomes of previous activities of the Pilot use of Principles Guiding New Investments in Agriculture.

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