Review of Agricultural Trade Policies in the post-Soviet countries 2017-2018
This review is devoted to the analysis of agricultural trade policies in the post-Soviet countries. The aim of the review is to monitor the latest changes in trade policies of these countries, affecting the dynamics and structure of trade. The publication also includes a chapter reviewing the prospects of expansion the agricultural trade of some Central Asian countries with China and the Russian Federation. Another chapter of the publication examines the impact of climate change on agricultural trade in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Review of Agricultural Trade Policies in the post-Soviet countries 2017-2018 [Available in Russian]
This review is devoted to the analysis of agricultural trade policies in the post-Soviet countries. The aim of the review is to monitor the latest changes in trade policies of these countries, affecting the dynamics and structure of trade. The publication also includes a chapter reviewing the prospects of expansion the agricultural trade of some Central Asian countries with China and the Russian Federation. Another chapter of the publication examines the impact of climate change on agricultural trade in Eastern Europe and Central Asia. Review of Agricultural Trade Policies in the post-Soviet Countries, 2016-2017 This document presents an English summary of the “Review of Agricultural Trade Policies in the post-Soviet countries 2016-2017” (FAO, 2018) available in Russian. The purpose of the publication is to provide an overview and analysis of the trends in agricultural trade and trade policies in the post-Soviet countries. The annual review serves to enhance transparency in agricultural trade policy measures, contributing to more stable and effective trade in the Europe and Central Asia region. This summary begins with an overview chapter presenting key developments in agricultural trade in twelve post-Soviet countries in 2016-2017, followed by regional strategies and programmes for agricultural export development, and includes short country chapters on Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, the Republic of Moldova, the Russian Federation, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine and Uzbekistan.
This guide provides an overview of instruments used in the WTO agreements which apply to trade in agricultural goods such as Agreement on Agriculture, Agreement on Application of SPS Measures, Agreement on Technical Barriers to Trade, Trade Facilitation Agreement, and Understanding on Dispute Settlement. This publication provides agribusiness a broad set of trade and transparency instruments that can be used to improve market access opportunities. Transparency instruments in these agreements are useful for agribusiness in export market research and analysis. Trade remedies instruments and procedures are used to safeguard producers from unfair trade practices. Trade facilitation instruments improve administrative and customs procedures at all levels. This publication is part of a collection of knowledge resources for the FAO Regional Initiative on Improving Agrifood Trade and Market Integration in Europe and Central Asia. Review of Agricultural Trade Policies in the post-Soviet countries 2016-17 [Available in Russian]
This review is the third in a series of publications devoted to the analysis of agricultural trade and trade policies in the post-Soviet countries. The purpose of the review is to study trends in the agri-food foreign trade and to monitor the latest policy changes in trade policies of these countries that affect its dynamics and structure. This publication also includes a chapter on review of strategies and programs on export promotion of agricultural goods developed by post-Soviet countries. In order to diversify agricultural markets in 2016-2017, many post-Soviet countries have intensified the development of such policy documents, considering the increase in exports, as a factor contributing to economic growth in the sector.  Review of Agrifood Trade Policies in the Post-Soviet Countries, 2015-2016: Summary Report The document is based on the publication “Review of Agricultural Trade Policies in former Soviet Union countries 2015-16” available in Russian. The main economic and political factors influencing the patterns of agrifood trade in the region during 2014 generally continued to have an impact in 2015 and 2016. In particular, a further slowdown in economic growth was observed in all countries during 2015. In addition, the depreciation of all the national currencies against the US dollar and the euro, which began in 2014, continued in 2015 and, in some cases, in 2016. Due to weaker national currencies and falling consumer demand, the total value of imports of agrifood products in dollar terms decreased in many countries. The decline in demand for agrifood products in the region and lower international prices also contributed to the reduction in the value of agrifood exports from the region. At the same time, the last two years have been marked by stronger integration processes affecting agrifood trade among several countries in the region. Review of Agricultural Trade Policies in former Soviet Union countries 2015-16 [available in Russian only] This review is the second in a series of publications devoted to the analysis of the latest developments in agricultural trade and in trade policy in the post-Soviet countries. This publication includes a chapter on the impact of macroeconomic factors on agri-food trade in the post-Soviet countries. The chapter considers changes in the macroeconomic situation in the countries of the region in 2014-2016 and the main factors of its influence on agri-food trade. Publications by partner organizations
Disclaimer | The views expressed in these papers do not necessarily reflect those of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Postgraduate Institute of the Academy of Financial Management of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, Kyiv, UkraineNational Academy of Sciences of Ukraine  Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies (IAMO)  Eastern breadbasket obstructs its market and growth opportunities Because of its enormous land and yield potentials, the breadbasket of the East, i.e. Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan, are increasingly important for world grain markets. However, counterproductive market and trade policies, continual farm-level productivity gaps and deficits in marketing infrastructure consistently obstruct the breadbasket’s production and market potentials. All-Russian Institute of Agrarian Problems and Informatics, named after A. A. Nikonov  Russian agriculture: The impact of sanctions On 7 August 2014 Russia introduced restrictions on import of food products from countries of the European Union, the US, Canada, Norway and Australia (hereinafter – retaliatory sanctions) in response to their sanctions against Russia driven by political developments in the Ukraine. This step astonished a lot of people in the country and even more so abroad as at the moment of enforcing retaliatory sanctions Russia remained a large-scale importer of foodstuffs. For many years one could observe an upward trend in imports of agricultural and food products that by 2013 amounted to $43.2bn. The North-Western Institute of Management of The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA)  Institute of Forecasting and Macroeconomic research of Cabinets of Ministers of Uzbekistan  All-Russian Research Institute of Agricultural Economics  University of Georgia, Georgia Role and importance of food security in the concept of national security of Georgia Sustainable and stable development of the country requires a safe environment. This aspect is of particular importance of Georgia's National Security Concept. On the basis of this document, measures are being taken to ensure the protection of fundamental national values and the implementation of national interests, as well as an adequate response to the threats, challenges and risks facing the country. |