News 2014

Video: Can insects help feed a hungry world? 15 December 2014 Edible insects are growing in popularity across Cameroon as a savoury meal and are a well known rich source of protein. FRANCE 24 reports on an unusual culinary trend that some experts say could help feed a hungry and fast-growing planet. [more]
Recycling pig manure to chicken feed using fly larvae 9 December 2014 From animal waste to resources. The Hangzhou Tianyuan Agriculture Company rears fly larvae on pig manure to produce chicken feed protein. Includes a summary video showing Prof. ZhiJian Zhang, PhD from the Zhejiang University, HangZhou, China. [more]
Training 1000 people to become insect farmers in the capital city of Kinshasa 1 December 2014 A new FAO project is launched in the Democratic Republic of the Congo to strengthen the role of insects in local diets. FAO research shows that promoting the consumption of edible insects is a sustainable and sound way to combat chronic malnutrition as well as create new income generating opportunities in Kinshasa. [more]
20 November 2014 BOGOR, Indonesia—An abundant and sustainable source of protein and micronutrients crawls in the palms of villagers’ hands in East Cameroon. They may be difficult to chew, but Augosoma centaurus beetles (one of many species of Rhinoceros beetles) are a crucial component of the food security and livelihoods of local people. [more]
13 November 2014 This man does and insists they're delicious (just remember to remove the legs and head and add some chilli and garlic). [more]
6 November 2014 Food & Wine Magazine Edible insects remain a bit of a niche product in the Western world. [more]
5 November 2014 It would once have been scandalous to suggest the merits of eating insects; these days, it has become old hat. Western-educated entrepreneurs will sell you protein bars made from cricket flour. TED talks extol entomophagy's virtue. Top-end restaurants in the West's largest cities tout insect-based dishes. [more]
27 October 2014 Several pounds of wild fish meal are typically needed to produce a single pound of farmed fish—not a very sustainable practice. One company is breeding Black Soldier Flies and feeding the larvae to farmed fish. [more]
15 October 2014 Billions more hungry mouths are going to put more strain on the planet’s resources. Can eating creepy crawlies offer a solution? Emily Anthes reports. [more]
13 October 2014 Thursday 16th October, Milan: Convention: Feeding the planet with new and sustainable sources. Organized by Salone Internazionale della Ricerca, Innovazione e Sicurezza Alimentare e Comitato Scientifico “Le Università per EXPO 2015”. In collaborazione con: Università degli Studi dell’Insubria, Dipartimento di Biotecnologie e Scienze della Vita e Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Centro di ricerca per lo sviluppo sostenibile, Università degli Studi di Milano e Consiglio per la Ricerca e la Sperimentazione in Agricoltura di Padova. [more]
10 October 2014 AUSTIN, Texas—Why aren’t you eating bugs? They’re tiny terrors to some, but to a large percentage of the world, including many countries in Africa and Asia, they’re nutritious delicacies and environmentally-friendly to raise. [more]
8 October 2014 The world's population is projected to reach 11 billion by the end of the century. Feeding that many people will be a challenge, and it is further complicated by the impact of climate change on agriculture. That is why some people advocate an unusual way to boost the food supply and feed people sustainably: by eating less meat, and more insects. [more]
22 September 2014 They're mixing up a food revolution in Austin -- with an unlikely ingredient. Save your appetite because crickets are now on the menu at many restaurants around the area. Leah Jones and Megan McDonald, co-founders of Cricker Crackers, are pioneering a movement to use insects like crickets for cooking. [more]
10 September 2014 A food company has created a range of energy bars made from ground up crickets. What started out as a far-out Kickstarter project last year is now a real product available to buy - and makers say the bars are a more sustainable source of protein than other, animal-based alternatives. [more]
2 September 2014 Forest-based goods such as bamboo, rattan, and yes, edible spiders — a delicacy in Cambodia — can provide an incentive to protect tropical forests in the Southeast Asian country. But formalized programs to promote sustainable trade in such products while boosting local people’s incomes have left communities there disillusioned, new research has found . [more]
28 August 2014 A wave of startups is pushing chips, bars, flour and more made out of crickets and other critters. [more]
28 August 2014 BRUSSELS—Celebrity chef Sang Hoon Degeimbre is helping to create buzz about bugs in Belgium. At a recent evening cooking master class, he provoked gasps among a group of gourmets when he disclosed that the "minced lamb" they had just eaten was really mealworms. The larval beetles had been marinated in ginger, pear and herbs, and sautéed with garden vegetables. [more]
27 August 2014 Insekten sind reich an Nährstoffen und schonen die Umwelt. In Thailand können inzwischen viele Bauern davon leben, die kleinen Krabbler in Lebensmittelqualität zu verkaufen. Die Bauern im Nordosten von Thailand führen ein hartes Leben: Sie bestellen ihre Reisfelder und wissen dennoch nie genau, ob sie ihre Familien ernähren können. Wenn der Regen ausbleibt, stehen sie vor dem Nichts. Einige Dörfer dieser ärmsten Region des Landes setzen nun auf Insekten - und sind damit erfolgreich. [more]
27 August 2014 As incomes rise in developing countries, so too does the demand for meat. But raising livestock uses a lot of resources. Eating insects—already common in many tropical countries—could be an alternative. Beetles and crickets, for example, are packed with nutrients and provide protein at a low environmental cost. [more]
6 August 2014 A San Francisco startup company is hoping to get people hooked on high-protein foods made out of crickets. Bitty Foods makes and sells cricket flour – made from slow-roasted crickets that are milled and combined tapioca and cassava flour – along with cookies made with the cricket flour. [more]
16 July 2014 "Un grillo salverà il pianeta". Al Chimali, il X Congresso di chimica alimentare in svolgimento all'università di Firenze, sono stati presentati diversi progetti per contrastare la scarsità di risorse alimentari nel mondo. La [more]
BBC Future: Could insects feed the hungry world of tomorrow? 15 July 2014 The world is running out of resources to feed the animals we raise for food. As the human population rises, should we be making more of our meals from insects? [more]
Wageningen UR opens application centre for edible insects on 3 July 23 June 2014 The official opening of Insect Point, housed in the BioScience Center in Lelystad, will take place at 16.00 hrs on Thursday 3 July. Insect Point will be used by Wageningen UR (University & Research centre), entrepreneurs and fellow knowledge institutes to work together on the production of edible insects for human and animal consumption. [more]
Edible insects in Lao PDR: Building on tradition to enhance food security 13 June 2014 The percentage of the population of Lao PDR that regularly consumes insects is among the highest in the world. Recognizing that edible insects provide many health, nutrition, environmental and livelihood benefits, recent efforts have been made to build upon these traditions and increase awareness and appreciation of the benefits of edible insects. FAO is pleased to have supported these efforts, particularly through the Sustainable insect farming and harvesting for better nutrition, improved food security and household income generation in Lao PDR Project, implemented from 2010 to 2013. [more]
How insects could feed the food industry of tomorrow 4 June 2014 Would you eat meat fed on maggots? Raising pigs, chickens and fish on insect larvae could change the way we farm animals, says Nic Fleming [more]
Insects could feed farmed fish 26 May 2014 Insect meal may become an important ingredient of feed for farmed salmon, while making fish feed more sustainable. [more]
Foodies unite: insects should be more food than fad 20 May 2014 Last week's insect conference: If we're going to establish entomophagy a little more firmly in the West, we ought to extract insects from the realm of 'bizarre food' [more]
Insects as a tool for global food security 19 May 2014 The potential of insects as human food and animal feed to assure global food security and availability of animal proteins in a sustainable way has been the main focus of the first conference Insects to feed the world in the Netherlands. [more]
PRESS RELEASE: First scientific journal focussing on insects as food and feed 17 May 2014 The ‘Journal of Insects as Food and Feed’ is the first scientific journal with a multidisciplinary approach on the use of insects as feed and food ingredient. The Journal will cover edible insects from harvesting in the wild through to industrial scale. [more]
Locusts are the tastiest insects according to Arnold van Huis 17 May 2014 Insects could be an important food source in the future, according to scientists who met this week in the Netherlands. DW spoke with Dutch researcher Arnold van Huis about his favorite edible insects. [more]
Today's insects to be tomorrow's grub: Food experts 16 May 2014 The voracious flying insect, capable of swarming in millions and stripping fields of crops, has long been associated with hunger. But if a major conference gathering food experts and entomologists is right, captive locusts - and many other protein-rich insects - will be heading to a menu near you just a few years from now. [more]
PRESS RELEASE: Potential of insects as resources for animal feed 14 May 2014 Wageningen University and FAO host international conference on the role of insects in sustainable food production [more]
Agro-Insight on Six Legged Livestock in Thailand 12 April 2014 Paul van Mele (Agro-Insight) reports on his experience on cricket farming in Thailand [more]
Eating Insects - New Proteins for Farm Animals 4 April 2014 It may not become your favorite dish, but in some parts of the world insects are considered a healthy and tasty source of food. In China animal farmers are using insects also as a low-cost and highly nutritious animal feed. Now nutrition experts are investigating how this protein-rich feed could be introduced to farmers in Europe. [more]
Boosting insects consumption in free-range layer diets 25 March 2014 A research project designed to increase insect consumption by free-range laying hens has been launched by organic certification body in the UK, the Soil Association. [more]
How insects can feed the world – in pictures 21 March 2014 Population explosion, climate change, peak oil – the modern world has all the ingredients for a full-blown food crisis. How can we feed the world in the 21st century? For the entomologist Arnold van Huis the answer is right at hand. Insects are nutritious, efficient, easy to look after and already eaten by two billion people all over the world. From salads to soups, burgers to cupcakes, he gathers together some of his favourite recipes for solving world hunger [more]
The Future of Entomophagy 12 March 2014 Capacity 4 Development at Europeaid in Brussels reports about a visit from Marian Peters and Joop van der Loon, who presented benefits of Insects for food and feed during a lunchtime conference. [more]
 Startup to push for insect feed development with €2m funding 11 March 2014 Ynsect, a France-based insect biotech startup developing innovative products such as aquaculture feed made of insects, plans to invest €2 million in fresh funds in a new R&D program, the company told Undercurrent News. [more]
Insektendegustation im Schweizer Bundeshaus (In German) 10 March 2014 Einzigartiges Event am Montag in den Gängen des Bundeshauses: Nationalrätin Isabelle Chevalley (GLP/VD) lud zur Insektendegustation. Auf dem Menü: Mehlwurm-Burger, Grillen-Pastete, Zitronencake mit Larven und Schokolade-Güetzi mit Heuschrecken-Deko. [more]
Edible insects, citing India's market potential 7 March 2014 To combat hunger, the Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) encouraged the world population to consume insects, and its report - titled ‘Edible Insects: Future Prospects for Food and Feed Security’ - cited India as a potential market. [more]
Insects on a Global Food Agenda 3 March 2014 An article by Foodtank, the Food Think Tank, about insects for food and feed and how they are explored worldwide by reserarchers and start-ups. [more]
Get the buzz on bug-based cuisine 3 March 2014 USA Today on insects as a culinary ingredient and where to get a taste of insects in the US [more]
To Save the World, Eat Bugs 25 February 2014 The average American may have a hard time imagining adding crickets to a stir-fry, but Phil Torres, an entomologist credited with the discovery of several insect species and Al Jazeera America ’s newest science correspondent, says he thinks it is only a matter of time before we get over the psychological “ick” factor. [more]
CNBC - Delish! Entrepreneurs promoting food made with insects 13 February 2014 Insects have been eaten in various parts of the world for centuries, but as CNBC's Kelley Holland reports, some start-ups are hoping to convince Westerners to give "creepy-crawlers" a try. [more]
Here's Why You Should Start Eating (More) Bugs 11 February 2014 In 2012, we rediscovered kale and started nibbling on gluten-free everything. Then 2013 brought us Cronuts, the delicious pastry mashup. We've obsessed over Sriracha, pumpkin spice, seaweed -- but what will be the next big trend in food? Bugs! [more]
The Insect Cookbook: Food for a Sustainable Planet 5 February 2014 Insects will be appearing on our store shelves, menus, and plates within the decade. In The Insect Cookbook , two entomologists and a chef make the case for insects as a sustainable source of protein for humans and a necessary part of our future diet. They provide consumers and chefs with the essential facts about insects for culinary use, with recipes simple enough to make at home yet boasting the international flair of the world’s most chic dishes. [more]
Новый взгляд на насекомых (A new look at insect) in Russian 5 February 2014 Один из способов по обеспечению продовольственной безопасности является разведение насекомых. Насекомые вездесущи, быстро размножаются, у них высокий коэффициент быстрого роста и питания. К тому же, они оставляют незначительный экологический след в течение всего жизненного цикла. Насекомые питательны, богаты протеином, жирами и минералами. Их можно разводить, например, на пищевых отходах. [more]
Philly makes room at the table: Edible insects and grasshopper tacos 30 January 2014 Edible insects — which are part of the traditional diet of an estimated two billion people around the world according to the United Nations — are creeping into mainstream American cuisine, and closing in on Philadelphia. [more]
Why we should eat insects 28 January 2014 By 2023 we are all going to be eating bugs as part of our regular diet, if Copenhagen’s famed Nordic Food Lab has its way... As Head of Culinary Research Ben Reade puts it: “In 2023 we’ll look back and we won’t be able to believe that we weren’t eating more insects in 2013.” [more]
Target the curious: Bringing insect consumption to the mainstream 15 January 2014 Some people are repulsed by the idea of eating insects – but those aren’t the people to target when trying to introduce insect consumption to the mainstream, says edible insect expert Professor Arnold van Huis. [more]
Energy Bars That Put a Chirp in Your Step 6 January 2014 Greg Sewitz, 22, and Gabi Lewis, 23, began making protein bars out of crickets when they were roommates at Brown University. Mr. Lewis, a philosophy major who tried to follow a paleo diet (eating what our cave-man ancestors presumably ate and minimizing his intake of processed, sugary foods), couldn’t find a bar that fit his dietary needs. [more]
Should We Try Eating Bugs? (VIDEO) 3 January 2014 As the narrator explains in this TED-Ed video by enviro-food writer Emma Bryce , entomophagy refers to eating bugs -- and we should consider doing a lot more of it. High in protein, vitamins and minerals, bugs are very healthy for you. They're also very sustainable to farm and consume, and according to Bryce, their production has the possibility of uplifting people in developing countries. [more]
Will eating bugs solve the world's food problems? 1 January 2014 British gastronaut Stefan Gates spent 10 days eating insects for every meal on a tour of Thailand and Cambodia. Part of it was to make great TV. Part of it was to understand why people in the West are disgusted by it. [more]

last updated:  Wednesday, January 15, 2014