FAO in Egypt

Emergency Centre for Transboundary Animal Diseases (ECTAD) - Egypt

Livestock development from a business perspective

A case study of poultry producers in Egypt, Kenya and Uganda

The growing population, urbanization and increasing incomes will result in an increased demand for animal source food products. To ensure the development of a healthy and productive livestock sector, investments are needed from the public and private sectors. We assess whether poultry producers are in a position to play a role in the development of healthy poultry systems by investing in biosecurity through examples of enterprise budgets of producers from Egypt, Kenya and Uganda.


Guidelines for antimicrobial use in poultry and livestock sectors in Egypt

The misuse of antimicrobials in the veterinary sector is serious because it has a triple effect on the spread of antibiotic resistance in humans. The first is through the direct transmission of antibiotic-resistant bacteria from animals to humans, the second is through potential antimicrobial residues in food of animal origin, which may enable bacteria within bodies of humans to develop resistance to antimicrobials, and the third effect occurs due to the dissemination of antibiotic-resistant bacteria from animals in the environment. In Egypt, improvement of livestock and poultry productions are very important to increase the animal protein amount available for each person per year. Animal production in Egypt is variable ranges from household breeding of few numbers of animals or birds, or pastoral continuously mobile flocks consisting of tens to hundreds of animals to big and organized farms consisting of thousands of animals. These national guidelines for AMU aims to enlighten the whole community in Egypt, particularly livestock–poultry producers, about the appropriate use of antimicrobials. This is to enhance knowledge of producers for reducing antimicrobial resistance rates, avoid other negative health effects of antimicrobial residues in foods of animal origin, and to enhance safe and profitable animal production.

One Health training manual

One Health (OH) is an emerging innovative approach that aims to promote collaboration and coordination among health sectors to address health threats at the human–animal–environment interface including zoonotic diseases and antimicrobial resistance (AMR). In view of this, Egypt has early embraced the OH approach for effective mitigation of emerging zoonotic diseases, especially following the avian influenza crisis, through promoting the 4-way linking and further establishment of the OH technical advisory group (OH-TAG) as well as disease-specific technical working groups (TWGs). The training manual will be used as a national reference document for sensitizing health professionals on the concept and application of the OH approach for tackling zoonotic diseases and AMR in a coordinated manner, by providing specific examples of joint actions for implementation by the ministries in charge of human health, animal health and environmental health.

Africa Sustainable Livestock 2050 – Pilot intervention: Safe disposal of daily poultry mortality in broiler farms through composting, Egypt

Malpractices in poultry farms have great impact on public health and the environment. Unsafe disposal of dead birds from the farms is one of the major risk to be addressed. The intervention presented targets small and medium size farms to introduce a safe, easy and profitable way to dispose of dead birds. The methodology used to co-create the solution for the problem jointly with the beneficiaries in both private and public sector was a key for success. Composting of dead birds was chosen as the solution to test. Field intervention to test the solution was implemented to document the process and draw up recommendations for scale up.

Business models along the poultry value chain in Egypt

Evidence from the Menoufia and Qalyubia Governorates

This policy brief has been developed to offer specific key recommendations and lessons learned that the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation in Egypt could consider for strengthening its support to the country’s NARS. Ultimately, the recommendations are intended to ensure efficient adoption of the proposed methodologies for enhancing the impact of Egypt‘s NARS efforts on AR4D.The specific objectives of this study are to document the business models at the different nodes of the poultry value chain, to assess the profitability of the different segments of the poultry industry, and to preliminarily assess the current biosecurity measures adopted by the different businesses. The study covered 4 districts in 2 governorates (Menoufia & Qalyubia). The surveyed poultry businesses are profitable yet face limited growth prospects due to internal weaknesses and external challenges. The internal weaknesses are related to the maturity of the business operations and limited adoption of biosecurity practices, which often result in reduced profitability and public health threats; the external challenges are related to the volatile market conditions, which have been exacerbated by the COVID 19 pandemic.

Managing diseases in animals to prevent health crisis in humans
FAO supports Egypt to fight zoonotic diseases and antimicrobial resistance threats

FAO in partnership with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has implemented 17 projects worth a total of USD 24 million since 2007 in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (MOALR). These projects have provided enormous support to the General Organization for Veterinary Services (GOVS) and the Animal Health Research Institute (AHRI) to prevent, detect and respond to HPAI outbreaks as well as enhance the capacity of the animal health system in surveillance, diagnostics, biosecurity, workforce development and institutional capacity development to address infectious zoonotic diseases such as MERS-CoV. This book sheds light on these efforts in the period from 2007 to 2020

The long-term future of livestock and fishery in Egypt
Production targets in the face of uncertainty

Egypt's society and economy will grow swiftly and transform extensively in the next three decades. Along this transformative process, the demand for animal source food will exponentially increase and livestock is likely to become the most important sector of agriculture. In order In order to be prepared to take action to ensure sustainable livestock production and value chains in 2050, this report provides hints fo the feasible future scenarios for livestock in the coutry and how to be prepared to ensure sustaible livestock production. This report portrays country possibile livestock futures: it sheds light on emerging challenges and uncertain disruptive events associated with a transformed livestock sector, and identifies priority areas for action to take today for a sustainable livestock in the long-term.

Africa Sustainable Livestock (ASL) 2050 Zoonotic diseases spotlight– Egypt
The case for an expert elicitation protocol on zoonoses

This brief provides a snapshot of the information system on zoonotic diseases and AMR in Egypt. It then makes the case for implementing an expert elicitation protocol to assemble data on the impact of zoonoses and AMR on society.

Africa Sustainable Livestock (ASL) 2050. The monetary impact of zoonotic diseases on society – Egypt
Evidence from two zoonoses

This brief presents the results of the ASL2050 expert elicitation protocol on zoonotic diseases, as validated by stakeholders in Egypt. It was the first time an expert elicitation protocol on zoonotic diseases was implemented in Egypt and it is attaching monetary values to some variables. Stakeholders have used a One Health approach to experiment with a new methodology to look at zoonotic diseases to provide decision-makers with information on how to best allocate admittedly scarce public resources.

ASL2050 Livestock production systems spotlight – Egypt
Cattle and buffaloes, and poultry sectors

This brief presents a snapshot of bovine (dairy, beef) and poultry meat production systems in Egypt as agreed by key national stakeholders affected by the livestock sector, and notably the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, the Ministry of Environment, and the Ministry of Health.

ASL2050 Country Brief Egypt

This document provides a departing point and a brief summary of the livestock weight, impacts and related-policies for possible livestock evolution by 2050.

ECTAD – Egypt supporting on controlling animal disease

The publication focuses on ECTAD project achievements, highlights challenges and lessons learned during the past two years in Egypt. It includes a brief about ECTAD, its mission, and partners, in addition to four pictures explaining the field activities of the project.

Mapping influenza A(H5N1) virus transmission pathways and critical control points in Egypt

This report summarizes the results of a study undertaken in 2010 and 2011 to assess and map Influenza A (H5N1) virus transmission pathways in the poultry sector and critical control points along the poultry value chains in Egypt. In order to focus specifically on the factors that either increase the risk of spread of H5N1 HPAI disease or are critical in disease risk management, a risk pathways diagram is sketched to describe the pathways (transmission routes, carriers and mechanisms) for transmitting virus from an infected node throughout the poultry value chain to disease-free premises.

Rapid Assessment Mission Report on Foot-and-Mouth Disease Management in Egypt

The rapid assessment team spent two and half days in Cairo and one day in Gharbia Governorate investigating suspected FMD cases. Extensive discussions were also held with Egyptian veterinarians in GOVS and AHRI. Towards the end of the mission, a set of preliminary recommendations was drawn up, based up on consultative processes involving Egyptian colleagues and FAO staff in Cairo.

A manual for practitioners in community based animal health outreach (CAHO) for highly pathogenic avian influenza

As part of the Strengthening Avian Influenza Detection and Response (SAIDR) project in Egypt which was funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), a number of training courses in highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) participatory disease surveillance (PDS) later elaborated to be Community based Animal Health Outreach (CAHO) have been conducted for 108 veterinarians (making 54 teams) in 15 governorates. The purpose of this manual is to provide a reference for veterinarians during and after CAHO training. The main focus of the manual is on HPAI but the methods can be easily adapted and applied to address other livestock diseases.

Avian influenza vaccination in Egypt: Limitations of the current strategy

Vaccination of domestic poultry against avian influenza (AI) has been used on a large-scale in South East Asia since 2003 and in Egypt since 2006 to fight H5N1 highly-pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) epidemics. The decision to use mass vaccination against HPAI in Egypt was taken as an emergency measure based on positive impact of such control measures in Vietnam and the People’s Republic of China. However, three years on, the impact on disease control of AI vaccination in Egypt has been very limited.

Mapping traditional poultry hatcheries in Egypt
AHBL - Promoting strategies for prevention and control of HPAI

Reports of the project GCP/INT/010/GER summarize the findings from an integrated approach to prevent and control Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in the smallholder environment of Cambodia, Egypt and Uganda by considering the components of animal health (AH), poultry breeds (B) and livelihoods (L).

Characterization of domestic chicken and duck production systems in Egypt
AHBL - Promoting strategies for prevention and control of HPAI

Reports of the project GCP/INT/010/GER summarize the findings from an integrated approach to prevent and control Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in the smallholder environment of Cambodia, Egypt and Uganda by considering the components of animal health (AH), poultry breeds (B) and livelihoods (L).

Study on the presence of highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) virus and Newcastle disease virus in live bird markets in Tanta District, Gharbia Governorate, Egypt
AHBL - Promoting strategies for prevention and control of HPAI

Reports of the project GCP/INT/010/GER summarize the findings from an integrated approach to prevent and control Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in the smallholder environment of Cambodia, Egypt and Uganda by considering the components of animal health (AH), poultry breeds (B) and livelihoods (L).

Highly pathogenic avian influenza: a rapid assessment of its socio-economic impact on vulnerable households in Egypt
AHBL - Promoting strategies for prevention and control of HPAI

This report is the result of the efforts of many people. We would like to thank for their time, kindness and patience: all the key informants, women poultry keepers and other people who participated in interviews and focus groups discussion in the 16 villages studied; the Egyptian Demographer Association.

Case Study of the Egyptian Poultry Sector
Proceedings Poultry in the 21st Century Avian Influenza and Beyond, International Poultry Conference Bangkok, November 2007

The poultry industry is one of the main agricultural industries in Egypt, where investment in this industry is about LE18 billion. The size of the labour force is about 1.5 million permanent workers and about 1 million temporary workers. The industry contributes a large part of the country’s supply of animal protein (white meats and eggs). During the last decade of the twentieth century and the early years of the twenty-first century, local poultry meat production was sufficient to cover local consumption.

Poultry sector country review - Egypt

This review is intended as a resource document for those seeking information on the poultry sector at national level. It is not exhaustive. Some topics are only partially covered or not covered at all and the document will be supplemented and updated on an ongoing basis. Contributions and feedback are welcome by the author(s), FAO/AGAP and FAO/ECTAD Socio- Economics, Production & Biodiversity Unit.