FAO in Egypt

FAO and MALR conduct a training program to control FAW infestation in Egypt.


luxor, Egypt - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), in collaboration with the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (MALR) in Egypt, has conducted a training program on Fall Armyworm (FAW) surveillance, monitoring and management.

The program targeted the specialists’ of pest control from eight governorates in southern Egypt, namely Aswan, Luxor, Qena, Assiut, Sohag, El Menia, Beni Suef and Fayoum, as well as participants from the Central Administration of Pest Control, from MALR, in addition to researchers from research stations in Luxor, Qena and Sohag.

The program focused on providing information on FAW damages, biology and management, while formulating a vision on how to prevent its introduction and spread in Egypt. The program also focused on FAO efforts to address FAW problem, through FAO approved program for FAW monitoring and management, in addition to MALR efforts to manage the risk of that pest. Finally, that program includes a field training on identification of FAW, damage on host plants and pheromone traps management.

“FAW is an insect pest that can feed on more than 80 crop species, while affecting some of the economically important grain crops. Hence, we face a real threat, making us, as international organization, call for proactive measures to prevent introduction and spread of FAW to Egypt, as it can negatively affect Egyptian agricultural crops,” said Hussein Gadain, FAO Representative, in his opening speech.

Gadain called on the trainees to make all possible efforts after the training, to carry out the necessary awareness campaigns for the farmers and agricultural specialists and anyone who is concerned by the management this dangerous pest.

FAW primarily affects maize, rice, sorghum, millet, sugarcane, vegetable crops and cotton. The tropical and subtropical regions of the Americas are the place of origin for that pest. In 2016, it has reached Africa, causing huge losses in maize production in many countries with limited production and food insecurity. Since then, FAW has spread to more than 48 countries within three years because of its high capacity of breeding and flight.

“This training aims at preparing the trainees to train the next levels in the agricultural directorates. It also aims at training the farmers on how to manage the FAW by adopting precautionary measures to prevent the pest introduction to the country, and by taking the necessary preventative and control measures in case of accidental introduction, “ said Dr. Ali Soliman, MALR representative in this training program, adviser to the Minister for Quarantine and Plant Health, and chairman of Sanitary and Phytosanitary committee.

“This training reflects one of the cooperation aspects between MALR and FAO country and regional offices, in order to address the threat of this pest by developing necessary strategy to monitor and manage this serious insect. In addition, supporting the national monitoring plans involved providing MALR with the necessary equipment, such as pheromone traps, along with preparing workshops and specialists training programs to raise their awareness on preventive measures. Finally, monitoring and management programs should be implemented by adopting the most appropriate and effective prevention measures to stop FAW infestation in Egypt while minimize the effect on public health and environment.” Dr Ali added.

One of the most important things that farmers can do to manage FAW is to inspect their fields and examine the crops systematically and permanently. They should also inform the responsible authorities in case they suspect FAW damage, while following the recommendations of local authorities in managing this pest.

This methodology will help small-scale farmers to understand the role of many biological and natural factors in increasing or minimizing the negative impact of FAW and developing innovative and effective ways to manage the pest.

It is worth noting that FAW infestation in maize crops has caused losses in Africa estimated at $5 billion, threatening the food security and income for more than 300 million African farmers, whose life depend on maize production.

In this regard, Thaer Yassin, Regional Plant protection officer, has presented some of FAO activities to control the FAW confirmed that FAO has provided many technical and financial assistance to African countries affected by FAW, as it has brought in many experts from South American countries to transfer their expertise in managing the pest.

“FAO has also provided many technical and scientific data for local governments to take the necessary measures to reduce losses and control the FAW. Through Farmer Field School programs, FAO is currently aiming to train 10 million African farmers to address FAW risks in the upcoming 5 years” Yassin added.

FAO has created a global platform to provide necessary data to deal with the pest. The platform is connected to an application that can be downloaded on smart mobile devices to help farmers and agricultural specialists to record and monitor data, and share them with other farmers around the world.