FAO in Egypt

A high-level Canadian delegation following up on FAO’s efforts in agricultural development, food security and how Egypt is coping with climate change


Cairo, Egypt - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) was honored to have HE Mr. Robert Oliphant, Parliamentary Secretary to the Canadian Minister of Foreign Affairs, heading a high-level Canadian delegation and accompanied by the Canadian Ambassador in Cairo, Mr. Louis Dumas, in addition to a number of Officials from the Canadian Embassy.

During this visit, the Canadian delegation met with Mr. Serge Nakouzi, Deputy Regional Representative of FAO for the Near East and North Africa, Dr. Mohamed Yacoub, Assistant FAO Representative in Egypt and a number of FAO officials. The two counterparts exchanged views on agricultural development efforts and the application of modern technological innovations in Egypt in light of efforts to adapt and mitigate the effects of climate change, and in light of Egypt’s hosting of the United Nations Climate Conference “COP27” in November 2022.

FAO Egypt Office also organized an expanded meeting for the Canadian delegation; with a number of FAO project managers in Egypt, especially in the areas of agriculture, food security and climate change. The meeting included as well, a number of community leaders, male and female farmers, from five Egyptian governorates: Kafr El-Sheikh, Minya, Beni-Suef, New Valley and Marsa Matrouh. The discussion mainly focused on how to strengthen partnership in the sectors of agriculture, food security and climate change in Egypt.

The Canadian delegation was informed on some of FAO’s ongoing projects; related to the concerned domains. They listened to the farmers' success stories and learned about the effects of climate change on the agricultural and food security sectors, in addition to the impact of the Ukrainian war on these sectors in Egypt.

During the meeting, Mr. Olivant praised the efforts of FAO and its counterparts, and hailed/praised as well; the aspirations of the community leaders in applying modern and smart farming methods and in dealing with the challenges resulting from climate change. He stated that Egypt is a great partner and friend of Canada; and they look forward to increasing and strengthening bilateral cooperation for the benefit of the citizens of both countries.

The Canadian delegation also included Mr. Mark Dalton, Member of Parliament of Canada, Ms. Nadia Hag Mohamed, Senior Policy Adviser, Office of the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Global Affairs of Canada, Mr. Louis Dumas, Ambassador of Canada to Egypt, Mr. Matt Friesen, Political Adviser, Embassy of Canada, and Mr. Kirill Iordanov, Counselor to the Head of Cooperation, Embassy of Canada.

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