FAO in Egypt


Matrouh, Egypt - With 1,483 direct beneficiaries and tens of thousands of indirect beneficiaries, FAO today concluded the project on "Water harvesting and Good Agricultural Practices for improved livelihood and increased sustained production in Matrouh rain-fed agricultural areas". The project was implemented by FAO in collaboration with the Ministry of...
Luxor, Egypt - Protecting the livelihoods and food security of smallholders, including women and young people living in areas affected by the Fall Armyworm, and increasing the awareness of key stakeholders on monitoring, supervision and integrated management of the worm, are key objectives of launching the Emergency response project to...
Cairo, Egypt - 100 million consumers in Egypt will obtain safer and more nutritious food with the implementation of best international practices of grain sampling, testing and fumigation. Egypt is the world’s largest importer of wheat and 12.5 million tonnes of wheat imported every year represent almost one quarter...
Cairo, Egypt - Developing a more effective risk-based imported food control system is essential to ensure that Egyptians have ready and sustained access to safe and nutritious food, and to protect consumer’s health. It is also essential to facilitate trade of food products into Egypt, whilst spreading the Codex Alimentarius...
Cairo, Egypt - The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) launched today the project on “Sustainable Management of Kharga Oasis Agro-Ecosystems in the New Valley Governorate”, in coordination with the Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation, Desert Research center, and the New Valley governorate. This GEF co-financed...