FAO in Egypt

Feteer… a leap to GOLD!

A story of Jihan in Minya

"I never imagined that I would be honored and celebrated in this way. How I perceive myself, my family, my community, and the environment in which I was born, and my life changed drastically".

"In a moment, my life switched from one extreme to the other. I turned from a rural woman who did not have any means to help her in facing life, to an entrepreneur. I now have my business in the field of food processing. I even hired girls to help me in meeting the demands of clients".

Jihan Magdy, 49, grew up in a village in Abu Qurqas District in Minya Governorate, where job opportunities are scarce, especially for women. Customs and traditions do not allow women to go outside the village to find work to improve their living conditions. But with the changing circumstances, high cost of living and escalating prices, low income and lack of jobs, life has become very difficult especially with the continuing negative impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on life in general.

"We are no longer capable of meeting even the basic needs of our children, especially with the outburst of COVID-19. Work almost stopped. Moreover, the instability of climatic conditions had its toll on agriculture, which led to decreased productivity of agricultural land and crops. Despite the hard work and high spending, the return from agriculture no longer covers what is spent on it, but we can't give it up because it is our main craft and a heritage from our fathers. I can no longer pressure my husband, who works for a low-income job besides cultivating land, because the whole situation is out of his hands".

Jihan was introduced to the project on improving the livelihoods and nutrition of rural women and their families affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in Minya Governorate, through one of the civil society associations working in the village, by applying for a traditional/ethnic food competition.

"I am good at making Feteer (a special rural pie), butter, kishk (traditional dish made of mainly yogurt) and cheese. When the project team from FAO visited our village, they assessed the needs for the products I made that they found very tasty. They trained me on marketing, communication, catchy display methods and healthy packaging and helped me participate in the exhibition of heritage food products that was held in Cairo".

Jihan's traditional food products, at the Heritage Food Exhibition in Cairo, organized by UNIDO and Co-sponsored by FAO, gained a great liking by visitors. They were impressed by the taste, and many visitors bought the food products that Jihan displayed that competed with more than 400 companies and exhibiting associations. The surprise was when Jihan won the Gold Medal in the food category of Feteer Meshaltet (traditional pie) and the Bronze Medal in the dairy category for the butter she made. She was honored in front of a huge audience… it was a grand celebration!

"I never imagined or even dreamt of such an experience. The FAO supported, encouraged and provided me with the opportunity to exhibit my products. They also got a fully equipped Mobile Kitchen in which I was able to prepare food samples for tasting. They also availed materials and equipment that facilitated my work for the competition".

After the competition, Jihan had regular customers from Cairo, and some of them send the products as gifts abroad due to their fascination with the taste and quality.

"The project on improving the livelihoods and nutrition of rural women and their families helped me establish my own business, and taught me how to be distinguished in my field. It also taught me the skills of selling, buying, negotiating and marketing. I now have a source of income that helps me and my husband to meet the needs of our three sons at different university stages, and face life’s escalating expenses”.

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The project on Improved livelihoods, nutrition and empowerment of rural women and their families in Minya Governorate is implemented by FAO Egypt in cooperation with the Ministry of Social Solidarity (MoSS) and funded by the Global Affairs Canada.

Contact: Rawya Eldabi / Mohamed Moussa, Communications Team, FAO Egypt