FAO in Egypt

Building Capacity of MOSS supported beneficiaries in the targeted Governorates through stimulating Agriculture and the Agro-Food Value Chain

Ministry of Social Solidarity (MOSS) has been continuously providing financial support to millions of poor families to cater for their basic food and dietary requirements in all Governorates. Because of continuous inflation and increase in the prices of basic food commodities, the financial support provided is hardly sufficient to meet their ends.

Therefore, the ministry has requested FAO Egypt for a TCP project in support the MOSS initiative “Forsa ” for the economic empowerment as a start and other related projects of its beneficiaries from support recipient to independent producers through various income generating activities as well as other relevant MOSS initiatives.

The project will enhance the capacities of the financial support recipient families along with other small holders in income generation activities through addressing/ stimulating livestock, horticulture, and Agro-Food Value Chain.

Therefore, the project would enhance capacities of the targeted as well as the other communities in the project area in the initiation of income generation activities with local raw materials already available with the major focus on the:

  1. Reorientation/reorganization of communities around demand driven value addition of agricultural food products;
  2. Provision of proper market information and access;
  3. Enhancing quantity and improve quality of the produce;


Living standards of MOSS-supported recipients and rural communities engaged in small-scale horticulture improved by reducing poverty through strengthened capacities to supply value added agro-industrial produce to domestic and international markets.


Increased technical capacity and improved organisational modalities at different levels in support of the competitiveness of the small-scale horticulture producers and/ or poultry and livestock smallholders in the project areas for MOSS-supported recipients and rural communities engaged.

Expected outputs:

  1. Five successful business model for collective micro-productive units adding value in the agribusiness, food processing, livestock, poultry, and packing units are identified and design through “FORSA Initiative”,
  2. One of the identified business models selected and executed,
  3. Capacities of MOSS staff, local partners and beneficiaries to design and implement small-scale agro-business units strengthened,
  4. Sustainable institutional partnership with the private sector to support the entire cycle of the operations, specifically marketing, established.

* FORSA (Opportunity/Chance) is a national program launched by the MOSS that offers enabling opportunities to alleviate poverty and reduce the vulnerability of the poor and needy, and focuses on bringing those who are ultimately able of working from social protection to production and material independence.