FAO in Egypt

Map of FAO projects in Egypt


No. of Project Locations


Total No. of Projects



Total No. of Completed Projects



Total No. of Ongoing Projects

Projects list

Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP)

Promotion of sustainable livelihoods and territorial development in South Sinai, Egypt.

Promotion of sustainable livelihoods and territorial development in South Sinai, Egypt.


Objective: The overall objective of this project is to involve local communities in Sinai with an emphasis on women and young people in the sustainable development of their territories and creating more sustainable and decent livelihoods in agri-food value chains.

Project code: TCP/EGY/3903

Duration: 2023-2025

Propagation and Promotion of Local Seeds and Hybrids in Egypt

Propagation and Promotion of Local Seeds and Hybrids in Egypt


Objective: Increase productivity and income of farmers engaged in vegetable crops production in selected governorates.

Project code: TCP/EGY/3807

Duration: 2021-2023

Support production of silk yarn for empowerment of youth and women in the New Valley

Support production of silk yarn for empowerment of youth and women in the New Valley


Objective: Contribute to the economic empowerment of youth and women through development of the sericulture in new reclaimed and desert areas and increase the quality and quantity of silk production which could contribute in stability of carpet industry.

Project code: TCP/EGY/3809

Duration: 2022-2023

Support for the establishment of model guide fields in sugarcane growing areas in Upper Egypt

Support for the establishment of model guide fields in sugarcane growing areas in Upper Egypt


Objective: Contribute to increasing agricultural productivity and managing natural resources (specifically water, land & fertilizers) through enhancing the technical capacity of Sugarcane smallholder producers in upper Egypt.

Project code: TCP/EGY/3902

Duration: 2022-2024

Support to Agri-food sector in Egypt to engage in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - Conference of Parties 27 (UNFCCC-COP27)

Support to Agri-food sector in Egypt to engage in the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change - Conference of Parties 27 (UNFCCC-COP27)


Objective: This TCP builds on FAO Egypt Country Programming Framework (CPF), and on the official requests by the both minsters of Agriculture and Land Reclamation; Ministry of Environment, to FAO to support Egypt hosting COP27. Also to respond to the outcomes of the meetings with the COP27 Egyptian Presidency and the Ministers of Environment, Agriculture and Land Reclamation and Water Resources and Irrigation, FAO is confirming its support to COP27.

Project code: TCP/EGY/3808

Duration: 2022-2023

Enhancing biosecurity governance to support sustainable aquaculture production in Egypt

Enhancing biosecurity governance to support sustainable aquaculture production in Egypt


Objective: Support Egypt in the sustainable development of aquaculture, through a National Strategy on Aquatic Animal Health (NSAAH) developed within the Progressive Management Pathway to improve aquaculture biosecurity (PMP/AB).

Project code: TCP/EGY/3705

Duration: 2019-2021

Support for agri-food sectors in the Near East and North Africa to engage in UNFCCC COP27

Support for agri-food sectors in the Near East and North Africa to engage in UNFCCC COP27


Objective: This regional TCP therefore aims at supporting regional member states to enhance capacities and facilitate increased engagement with COP processes emphasizing the significant role of agricultural practices in reducing CO2 emission as well as enhancing adaptation measures to address impact of climate change on agricultural sector.

Project code: TCP/RAB/3806

Duration: 2022-2023

Supporting the design of on-farm irrigation modernization plan in Egypt

Supporting the design of on-farm irrigation modernization plan in Egypt


Objective: Supporting the design of on-farm irrigation modernization plan in Egypt

Project code: TCP/EGY/3708

Duration: 2021

Emergency response to enhance the national capacity of Egypt for early warning, monitoring and management of Fall Armyworm

Emergency response to enhance the national capacity of Egypt for early warning, monitoring and management of Fall Armyworm


Objective: Minimize the impact of FAW infestation and strengthening FAW monitoring and integrated management capacities of all stakeholders.

Project code: TCP/EGY/3706

Duration: 2019-2021

Building Capacity of MOSS support beneficiaries in the targeted Governorates through stimulating Agriculture and the Agro-Food Value Chain

Building Capacity of MOSS support beneficiaries in the targeted Governorates through stimulating Agriculture and the Agro-Food Value Chain

Objective: To enhance the capacities of the financial support recipient families along with other small holders in income generation activities through addressing/ stimulating livestock, horticulture, and Agro-Food Value Chain.

Project code: TCP/EGY/3804

Duration: 2020 - 2022

For more Information, click here…

Application of rural development innovative solutions in Behira Governorate

Application of rural development innovative solutions in Behira Governorate

Objective: To collect and analyze information, put in place a system for continued monitoring and design/implement effective technology which would increase water productivity and largely contribute to the country’s objective to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. The project will be applied on a pilot basis in a selected farm in Behira Governorate in a full cooperation with the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation (MWRI) and Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation (MALR) in Egypt.

Project code: TCP/EGY/3711

Duration: 2021

Support the formulation of innovative solutions for climate change adaptation within the framework of Hayat Karima (decent life) initiative

Support the formulation of innovative solutions for climate change adaptation within the framework of Hayat Karima (decent life) initiative

Objective: To support the formulation of a fully funded climate adaptation project to be funded by Adaptation Fund which will address related national plans and strategies. This will allow the country to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change and put in place an innovative system that responds to the country needs and be within the framework of the countries decent life initiative, while contributing to the country’s achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Project code: TCP/EGY/3710

Duration: 2021

Promoting agriculture commodity-based investment in Egypt

Promoting agriculture commodity-based investment in Egypt

Objective: For effective implementation SADS and its Action Plan, there are two areas where the Government requested FAO support: I) assisting in the design of a comprehensive visibility plan involving all stakeholders, particularly farmers and concerned stakeholders at the governorate level as well as development partners and private sector; and II) devising an interactive investment mapping in agriculture and the food sector. To this end, the following project will contributes towards promoting Investment in food and agriculture for improved agriculture productivity and income generation.

Project code: TCP/EGY/3709

Duration: 2021

Awareness Campaign on Covid-19 in Relation to Food & Agriculture

Awareness Campaign on Covid-19 in Relation to Food & Agriculture


Objective: This campaign will give a special emphasis on the rural population by developing awareness messages formulated with the consideration of the educational level of these communities utilizing communication tools that have the most reach within these communities taking into consideration the cultural norms of these societies.

Project code: TCP/EGY/3801/C1

Duration: 2020

For more Information, click here…

Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on the Food Systems and Food Security in Egypt

Assessing the Impact of COVID-19 on the Food Systems and Food Security in Egypt


Objective: The government is seeking FAO technical assistance and support to (1) gather information on the impact of Covid-19 and related mitigation measures on food systems and (2) to develop effective policy responses to reduce the negative impact for food supply, distribution and consumption on the one hand across the agricultural, livestock and fisheries sectors, and (3) minimize negative economic impacts on vulnerable rural populations on the other.

Project code: TCP/EGY/3802/C2

Duration: 2020

A mobile application for Food Safety in the time of COVID-19

A mobile application for Food Safety in the time of COVID-19


Objective: To address the health concerns of COVID-19 in agricultural production, FAO Egypt will create a mobile application on the theme of food safety in agriculture. This mobile application will provide farmers and all the players of the entire value chain with the required information on food safety from farm to fork to keep themselves and their families, farm workers, buyers/sellers and the purchasing public safe.

Project code: TCP/EGY/3803/C3

Duration: 2020

Updating the Sustainable Agricultural Development Strategy 2030 and preparing a Medium-term Plan of Action

Updating the Sustainable Agricultural Development Strategy 2030 and preparing a Medium-term Plan of Action


Objective: Five broad strategic objectives were formulated which are: 1) sustainable use of land and water and increase their unit productivities, 2) raising the degree of self-sufficiency of the strategic food commodities to maintain national food security; 3) increasing the competitiveness of agricultural products in local and international markets; 4) setting and enhancing the enabling environment for agricultural investment; and 5) improving the living standards of the rural population and reducing rural poverty.

Project code: TCP/EGY/3701

Duration: 2019 - 2020

Developing capacity and innovative solutions for solar-powered irrigation in Egypt

Developing capacity and innovative solutions for solar-powered irrigation in Egypt


Objective: Improve farmers' livelihoods through contributing to reduce the vulnerability of farmers in Egypt to energy supply by providing cost-effective reliable source, thus, maintaining high agricultural productivity and sustaining water resources.

Project code: TCP/EGY/3707

Duration: 2019-2021

Support sustainable water management and irrigation modernization for newly reclaimed areas

Support sustainable water management and irrigation modernization for newly reclaimed areas


Objective: Set-up and test an automated water consumption monitoring and water accounting system at selected pilot areas of the newly reclaimed areas for use by MWRI and MALR.

Project code: TCP/EGY/3604

Duration: 2018-2019

For more Information, click here…

Strengthening national capacities to prevent the spread of Fall Army Worm (FAW) in Egypt

Strengthening national capacities to prevent the spread of Fall Army Worm (FAW) in Egypt


Objective: Improve the preparedness of Egypt government to deal with the increasing risk of FAW introduction and spread through setting up an effective monitoring and early warning system and raising awareness on monitoring and surveillance techniques and best management options.

Project code: TCP/EGY/3704/C3

Duration: 2019

Formulation support for small-scale dairy farming development in Egypt

Formulation support for small-scale dairy farming development in Egypt


Objective: Strengthen field programme planning and development processes by hiring technical experts to formulate one TCP on the development of small-scale dairy farming, which is in the pipeline as per the CPF.

Project code: TCP/EGY/3703/C2

Duration: 2019

Support to the Agriculture Census in Egypt (2019-2020)

Support to the Agriculture Census in Egypt (2019-2020)


Objective: Information from the 2019-2020 Agricultural Census will contribute to the priority of GoE in increasing smallholder agricultural productivity and sustainable management of natural resources.

Project code: TCP/EGY/3702

Duration: 2018-2019

Investment Forum and capacity building for the promotion of agricultural investment in Egypt

Investment Forum and capacity building for the promotion of agricultural investment in Egypt


Objective: to enhance the enabling environment for investment by

  • fostering private sector participation in Egypt's agriculture,
  • strengthening public-private policy dialogue, and
  • Improving the coordination among agricultural development stakeholders.

Project code:TCP/EGY/3605

Duration: 2017-2019

Dates Value Chain Development in Egypt

Dates Value Chain Development in Egypt


Objective: The project aims to improve the capacity of multiple small and medium sized farmers, collectors and traders, dates packers (Dates Factories & Packing houses) and processors to improve the quantity and quality of date value chain in Egypt.

In addition and for the sustainability of the date sector a special attention is given to the establishment of gene collections of Egyptian date varieties.

Project code: TCP/EGY/3603

Duration: 2016-2019

For more Information, click here…

Support to the Reform of the law governing the Agricultural Cooperatives in Egypt.

Support to the Reform of the law governing the Agricultural Cooperatives in Egypt.


Objective: The expected outcome is that the agricultural cooperatives system in Egypt is better organized and its policy and regulatory framework is reformed in order to provide small-scale farmers with an enabling environment to thrive, while the expected outputs are as follows:

  • Output 1: An enabling environment for ACs is developed for improved support to small scale and family farming in Egypt.
  • Output 2: The needs and capacities of stakeholders are assessed in order for them to be addressed in the context of the reform of the law.
  • Output 3: Knowledge on best practices is disseminated in view of the reform of ACs in Egypt so that they become efficient, effective and equitable.
  • Output 4: A project proposal for a larger programme in support of the reform of ACs is prepared (in partnership with ILO and other interested development partners).

In addition and for the sustainability of the date sector a special attention is given to the establishment of gene collections of Egyptian date varieties.

Project code: TCP/EGY/3503

Duration: 2016-2017

For more Information, click here…

Trust Funds

Modernisation of Irrigation Techniques to Improve the Livelihoods of Smallholder Farmers in Upper Egypt

Modernisation of Irrigation Techniques to Improve the Livelihoods of Smallholder Farmers in Upper Egypt


Objective: The Project will contribute to improving the livelihoods and resilience of vulnerable rural people of the Upper Egypt Region by increasing agricultural production through the transformation from inefficient conventional individual irrigation practices to collective modern smart irrigation techniques and farming systems.

Project code: GCP /EGY/038/NET

Duration: Nov, 2022- Nov,2026

For more Information, click here…

Improved Socio-economic Status, Food Security & Empowerment of Vulnerable Rural Communities in Minya

Improved Socio-economic Status, Food Security & Empowerment of Vulnerable Rural Communities in Minya


Objective: The Project will contribute to reduced poverty, improved food security and nutrition and resilient livelihoods for vulnerable rural communities and building back a more sustainable climate-resilient food system. This to ensure that no one relying on agricultural production for their wellbeing is left behind (especially those most affected by the COVID-19 pandemic and Russia-Ukraine conflict).

Project code: GCP /EGY/044/NOR

Duration: Dec, 2023- Nov,2026

For more Information, click here…

The Project for Enhancement of Agricultural Productivity

The Project for Enhancement of Agricultural Productivity


Objective: The Project will contribute to reducing rural poverty and building resilience of vulnerable farming families in the Upper Egypt and Nile Delta Regions of Egypt affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ukrainia-Russia crisis, climate change and decreasing water availability. This contribution will be achieved by improving the utilisation of water for agriculture and increasing agricultural productivity for smallholder farmers and raising incomes and creating economic opportunities for poor rural households. In this context, the Project aims: to increase the efficiency of water use by smallholder farmers by at least 20 percent; to increase crop yields by between ten and 20 percent; and increase household income by at least 20 percent after two cropping seasons.

Project code: OSRO/EGY/041/JPN

Duration: Apr,2023- Mar,2024

For more Information, click here…

Promoting Climate Smart Agriculture and Agricultural Biodiversity for Enhancing the Adaptive Capacity of Vulnerable Rural Communities in Old and New Lands of Upper and Lower Egypt

Promoting Climate Smart Agriculture and Agricultural Biodiversity for Enhancing the Adaptive Capacity of Vulnerable Rural Communities in Old and New Lands of Upper and Lower Egypt


Objective: The Project will contribute to the adaptation to climate change of poor and vulnerable rural populations in the Old and New Lands of Egypt, by developing and implementing nature-based and climate-resilient techniques, ensuring that no one relying on agricultural production and agri-food systems for their wellbeing is left behind (including landless, unemployed, underemployed or seasonally employed rural women and youth). The Project will reduce food insecurity induced by climate change and will improve livelihoods.

Project code: GCP /EGY/039/CAN

Duration: Dec, 2022- Nov, 2026

For more Information, click here…

Sustainable Management of Kharga Oasis Agro-Ecosystems in the Egyptian Western Desert (MSP)

Sustainable Management of Kharga Oasis Agro-Ecosystems in the Egyptian Western Desert (MSP)


Objective: Sustainable management of natural resources for combating land degradation and conservation.

Project code: GCP /EGY/030/GFF

Duration: 2019-2023

For more Information, click here…

Enhancing Crop& Livestock Production and Productivity in New Land

Enhancing Crop& Livestock Production and Productivity in New Land


Objective: Smallholder farmers enabled to enhance their incomes, increase profitability and diversify their livelihoods. The Project will indeed work towards achieving operational FFSs for 3,000 men and women smallholder farmers to adopt to sustainable climate-smart agricultural (CSA) and natural resources management (NRM) practices and technologies in well defined sites of the 4 selected governorates ( Kafr El-Sheikh, Bani Sweif, Minya and Aswan).

Project code: UTF /EGY/035/EGY

Duration: 2021-2023

For more Information, click here…

Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Water Efficiency/Productivity & Water Sustainability in NENA

Implementing the 2030 Agenda for Water Efficiency/Productivity & Water Sustainability in NENA

Objective: The project intends to set the proper framework for implementing the 2030 Agenda for water efficiency and productivity (SDG 6.4) through three major work packages:

  • establishing a robust water accounting system providing the evidence base for the full water budgeting (supply, demand, uses and re-cycling, present and projected) and for monitoring progress in the achievement of the targets while assessing the institutional effectiveness to govern water resources,
  • implementing a series of interventions to increase water efficiency and productivity in selected farming systems of the countries to advance in achieving the SDG 6.4; and
  • ensuring that higher efficiency/productivity achievements for the 2030 time horizon are attained within safe operational boundaries of water use defining the conditions for water sustainability and, therefore, for a sustainable, socially equitable and human-rights based development.

Project code: GCP /RNE/009/SWE

Duration: 2016-2020

For more Information, click here…

Support Programme on Scaling up Climate Ambition on Land Use and Agriculture through NDCs and NAPs (SCALA)

Support Programme on Scaling up Climate Ambition on Land Use and Agriculture through NDCs and NAPs (SCALA)

Objective: FAO and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) are co-leading a new 5-year programme called Scaling up Climate Ambition on Land Use and Agriculture through Nationally Determined Contributions and National Adaptation Plans (SCALA), funded by the German Ministry of Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) through its International Climate Initiative (IKI).

SCALA responds to the urgent need for increased action to cope with climate change impacts in the agriculture and land use sectors. The joint UNDP-FAO Programme main goals are:

  1. Enhanced capacity to identify and appraise innovative and transformative climate-sensitive agriculture and land use actions into NDCs; 
  2. Strengthened national and sectoral plans and budgets to integrate agriculture and land use sectors’ climate-related priorities;
  3. Increased climate action in agriculture and land use through stronger mobilization of private sector engagement and finance.

Project code: UNFA/GLO/092/UND

Duration: 2020-2025

For more Information, click here…

Scaling-up the sustainable management of the Fall Armyworm in Africa, the Near East and Asia

Scaling-up the sustainable management of the Fall Armyworm in Africa, the Near East and Asia

Objective: Is to help governments and smallholder farmers and rural communities to control Fall Armyworm (FAW) damage and lower the risk of further spread.

Project code: GCP /GLO/220/EC

Duration: 2021-2022

Strengthening national capacity for preparedness early detection and response to emerging pandemic threats (EPT-2)

Strengthening national capacity for preparedness early detection and response to emerging pandemic threats (EPT-2)

Objective: The overall goal of the EPT-2 program is to mitigate the impact of novel high consequence pathogens from animals through:

  • new disease threats detected early;
  • national-level preparedness and response to new threats enhanced through effective inter-sectoral collaboration and partnerships;
  • risk of disease emergence reduced by minimizing practices and behaviours that trigger the spill-over and spread of new pathogens

Project code: OSRO/EGY/501/USA

Duration: 2015-2020

African Sustainable Livestock 2050

African Sustainable Livestock 2050


Objective: There is currently little capacity at all levels, from global to local, to systematically assess and monitor the impact of livestock systems – be they either positive or negative – on people and the planet. This makes it challenging to formulate policies and investments that support a sustainable development of livestock. Such a development enhances people’s livelihoods, through the provision of income, food and employment; improves public health, through one-health investments that tackle the emergence and spread of zoonotic diseases and antimicrobial resistance; addresses environmental degradation and climate change, and sustains biodiversity. With the objective to address this gap, in 2016-2019 Africa Sustainable Livestock 2050 (ASL 2050):

  • Supports joint-learning processes at national and regional level to generate evidence on the current and projected impact of livestock production systems on society, including on public health, livelihoods and the environment.
  • Encourages evidence-based dialogue at national and regional level to identify policy gaps or priority areas for reforms and investments that ensure a sustainable growth of livestock in the next decades. Dialogue and consultation not only focus on short-term policy gaps but also, through anticipating prospective changes in livestock systems, on actions to be taken now for a sustainable development of livestock in the years ahead.

Project code: OSRO/GLO/602/USA

Duration: 2015 -2021

MERS-CoV applied research activities in the Middle East and Northeast Africa

MERS-CoV applied research activities in the Middle East and Northeast Africa


Objective: The objective of the project is to fully understand the source, infection and transmission dynamic of the MERS-Cov and minimize or interrupt animal-to-animal transmission and animal-to-human transmission through risk-mitigation interventions.

Project code: OSRO/GLO/505/USA

Duration: 2015 -2021

Improved Livelihoods, Nutrition and Empowerment of Rural Women & their Families affected by COVID-19 crisis in Minya Governorate

Improved Livelihoods, Nutrition and Empowerment of Rural Women & their Families affected by COVID-19 crisis in Minya Governorate


Objective: The project will be implemented in ten of the poorest villages in Minya Governorate of the Upper Egypt Region. Its overall objective is to reduce poverty, improve food security and nutrition and build resilient livelihoods for vulnerable rural women of different age and socio-economic groups, especially those most affected by the COVID-19 crisis. Its immediate objective is to provide 2,000 rural women and their households with improved access to efficient climate-smart agriculture practices and technologies and with technical and financial support for the establishment of agri-food enterprises in the horticulture value chain.

Project code: OSRO/EGY/102/CAN

Duration: 2021-2023

For more Information, click here…

Global Health Security Program (GHSP) for enhancing prevention, detection and response to emerging, re-emerging and endemic zoonoses and AMR threats in Egypt

Global Health Security Program (GHSP) for enhancing prevention, detection and response to emerging, re-emerging and endemic zoonoses and AMR threats in Egypt


Objective: The program is expected to realize the following three outcomes by the end of 2024: 1) Improved collaboration among actors/sectors 2) Enhanced knowledge on and/or reduced incidence and spread of emerging and neglected infectious zoonotic diseases 3) Improved mitigation measures against AMR emergence and spread in the livestock sector.

Project code: OSRO/EGY/100/USA

Duration: 2020-2023

Water harvesting and Good Agriculture Practices for Improved Livelihood and Increased and Sustained Production in Matrouh Rain-fed Agricultural areas

Water harvesting and Good Agriculture Practices for Improved Livelihood and Increased and Sustained Production in Matrouh Rain-fed Agricultural areas


Objective: Improved livelihood, and increased and sustained agricultural production, of rural poor living in rain-fed areas of Northern Matrouh throughout:

  • Increased water availability and improved knowledge of good agricultural practices related to water resources management
  • Improved agricultural practices and increased agricultural production

Project code: GCP/EGY/026/EC

Duration: 2017-2020

For more Information, click here…

Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) for sustainable improvement of quality and quantity of horticultural production of small-scale farmers in Fayoum

Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) for sustainable improvement of quality and quantity of horticultural production of small-scale farmers in Fayoum


Objective: The main objective of the proposed action is to improve the living condition of small-scale horticulture farmers, both male and female, in the five selected target villages in Fayoum Governorate and increase the quality, quantity and the competitiveness of their production through the adoption of GAPs with emphasis on reducing the use of pesticides while maintaining high crop productivity.

The specific objective is to increase production and improve the quality of specific horticultural crops grown by small-scale farmers in the five target villages through the adoption of horticultural GAPs.

This will be achieved through the establishment of SFAs in each target village to form the core target groups for scaling up GAP through comprehensive training and demonstration activities covering improved more efficient water management, sustainable soil management, integrated protected production practices and diversification into higher value, higher yielding horticultural crops which can be sold to local and export marketing companies through group farming contracts.

The materials produced for the training and demonstration activities will be used in preparation of comprehensive yet simplified and easy to follow GAP guidelines which will be developed by the project.

Project code: GCP /EGY/027/EC

Duration: 2017-2020

For more Information, click here…

Technical Audit of Farm-level Irrigation Modernization Project (FIMP) in Egypt

Technical Audit of Farm-level Irrigation Modernization Project (FIMP) in Egypt


Objective: The objective of FIMP is to increase agricultural productivity and improve access to higher quality water on up to 200 000 feddans (80 000 ha) in the command areas of Mahmoudia in Beheira governorate, and Manaifa and Meet Yazid main canals in Kafr-el-Sheikh governorate in the Nile Delta.

Project code: UTF/EGY/025/EGY

Duration: 2017-2018

Technical Audit of On-Farm Irrigation Development Project (OFIDP)

Technical Audit of On-Farm Irrigation Development Project (OFIDP)


Objective: The technical audit will contribute to increased knowledge regarding the planning, design and implementation of the interventions under the OFIDP, thus assisting the GOE in determining how to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of future similar AWM investments, which will be critical in the development of future investment strategies and policies and will contribute towards more sustainable and successful investments in AWM by the GOE.

Project code: UTF/EGY/032/EGY

Duration: 2018-2019

Sustainable Management of Kharga Oasis Agro-Ecosystems in the Egyptian Western Desert (PPG)

Sustainable Management of Kharga Oasis Agro-Ecosystems in the Egyptian Western Desert (PPG)


Objective: Sustainable management of natural resources for combating land degradation and conservation

Project code: GCP/EGY/031/GFF

Duration: 2018

Increasing water productivity for nutrition-sensitive agriculture and improved food security and nutrition

Increasing water productivity for nutrition-sensitive agriculture and improved food security and nutrition


Objective: The overall objective of the project is to improve dietary quality and diversity through the agricultural production pathway by strengthening the capacity of smallholder farmers in these settings to adopt sustainable water, soil, and agronomic management practices.

Project code: GCP /GLO/925/IFA

Duration: 2020-2023

Food loss and waste reduction and value chain development for food security in Egypt and Tunisia - Egypt component

Food loss and waste reduction and value chain development for food security in Egypt and Tunisia - Egypt component



  • Generate knowledge on the status, magnitude and extent of food losses and waste in Egypt.
  • Technical and managerial capacity of defined food value chain actors (farmers, traders, processors, transporters, laborers), with an emphasis of women organizations, are increased to better coordinate, negotiate and organize in food chain activities.
  • Technologies and good practices to reduce food losses and waste are acquired and adopted by defined value chain actors, with a specific focus on Small and Medium Agricultural Enterprises (SMAEs), including food safety and quality improvement.
  • Improved linkages/business partnerships are activated to increase value addition in selected and defined value chains.

Project code: GCP /RNE/004/ITA

Duration: 2015-2019

For more Information, click here…

Improving household food and nutrition security in Egypt by targeting women and the youth

Improving household food and nutrition security in Egypt by targeting women and the youth


Objective: the project will be centered on three major intervention strategies, namely

  • Nutrition and health behavior through education and Behavior Change Communication (BCC) plans comprising mass media, interpersonal communication and social mobilization;
  • Homestead food production and income generating activities;
  • capacity building and institutionalizing of integrated and participatory approaches for improving household food and nutrition security at decentralized levels.

Project code: GCP /EGY/024/ITA

Duration: 2012-2019

For more Information, click here…

Coping with water scarcity: the role of agriculture in strengthening national capacities

Coping with water scarcity: the role of agriculture in strengthening national capacities


Objective: Improve agriculture water management in delta by reducing evaporation losses in canals and to provide a more sustainable source of energy for water lifting for irrigation.

Project code: GCP/INT/124/ITA

Duration: 2011-2018

For more Information, click here…