FAO emergencies and resilience

Ongoing projects
Title Scaling Up the Joint Programme on risk-informed shock-responsive social protection in BARMM amid COVID-19
Start date 01/06/2021
End date 31/12/2023
Budget USD 663 323
Project Code UNJP/PHI/073/CEF
Title Strengthening the resilience and sustainable livelihood systems of smallholder farmers in Tanganyika in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
Start date 01/01/2022
End date 31/12/2023
Budget USD 7 055 591
Project Code UNJP/DRC/082/WFP
Title AMR MPTF: Bangladesh Quadripartite Response to Combat AMR
Start date 17/01/2023
End date 11/01/2027
Budget USD 300 000
Project Code UNJP/BGD/088/UNJ
Title Promoviendo la gestión del entorno social, político e institucional para contribuir a disminuir la conflictividad agraria en el Valle del Polochic
Start date 06/01/2022
End date 05/05/2024
Budget USD 832 320
Project Code UNJP/GUA/040/PBF
Title Prévention et gestion des conflits dans la Région de l`Est
Start date 17/12/2020
End date 15/12/2024
Budget USD 1 485 000
Project Code UNJP/BKF/062/PBF
Title Promotion d`une transhumance pacifique dans la région du Liptako-Gourma
Start date 17/02/2020
End date 15/02/2024
Budget USD 1 400 000
Project Code UNJP/BKF/060/PBF
Title Immediate technical assistance for animal health systems to address emerging and priority zoonotic diseases and health threats in Lao PDR
Start date 01/10/2020
End date 31/12/2023
Budget USD 490 000
Project Code OSRO/LAO/002/USA
Title Enhancing Recovery and Resilience efforts through the Humanitarian-Development-Peace Nexus in Zamai
Start date 01/08/2021
End date 31/05/2024
Budget USD 343 964
Project Code UNJP/CMR/052/UND
Title Global Health Security in Africa and Asia
Start date 01/10/2014
End date 31/12/2023
Budget USD 3 175 000
Project Code OSRO/GLO/407/USA
Title Support to Farmers Affected by the COVID-19 and Financial and Economic Crises
Start date 19/05/2021
End date 30/11/2023
Budget USD 10 000 000
Project Code UTF /LEB/037/LEB
Title The Project for Enhancing Agriculture Production through Community-led Irrigation
Start date 30/08/2023
End date 29/08/2027
Budget USD 8 873 962
Project Code OSRO/AFG/134/JCA
Title Enhance national food security and support sustainable food systems by increasing the resilience of Lebanon`s wheat value chain
Start date 22/03/2023
End date 21/03/2024
Budget USD 740 740
Project Code OSRO/LEB/042/JPN
Title Enhance national food security and support sustainable food systems by increasing the resilience of Lebanon`s wheat value chain
Start date 22/03/2023
End date 21/03/2024
Budget USD 740 740
Project Code OSRO/LEB/042/JPN
Title Tackling a new wave of Ukrainian and Afghan refugees to Turkey by providing employment opportunities in food and agriculture sector
Start date 22/03/2023
End date 21/03/2024
Budget USD 475 000
Project Code OSRO/TUR/007/JPN