FAO emergencies and resilience

Ongoing projects
Title Mise en oeuvre de l`approche Champ-Ecole Paysan au sein du Projet d`Appui au Secteur Agricole au Nord-Kivu
Start date 06/05/2022
End date 05/05/2025
Budget USD 818 000
Project Code UTF /DRC/083/DRC
Title Emergency support to flash flood affected households in Chattogram Division for restoring livelihoods of smallholder farmers (SFERA-AIRC)
Start date 10/09/2023
End date 09/03/2024
Budget USD 500 000
Project Code OSRO/BGD/096/BEL
Title Programme de réponse à la crise alimentaire et de soutien d`urgence
Start date 01/08/2022
End date 31/12/2024
Budget USD 5 310 105
Project Code UTF /NER/073/NER
Title Global Health Security (GHS) Project - Kazakhstan
Start date 01/10/2023
End date 30/09/2024
Budget USD 650 000
Project Code OSRO/KAZ/008/USA
Title Delivering peace dividends in Liberia: Consolidating national, regional and local reconciliation and social cohesion opportunities
Start date 30/10/2021
End date 27/10/2024
Budget USD 586 845
Project Code UNJP/LIR/033/PBF
Title Emergency agricultural and livelihood support in Marib and Sa`adah governorates
Start date 08/12/2023
End date 07/12/2024
Budget USD 4 000 000
Project Code OSRO/YEM/056/CHA
Title Reducing protection risks of vulnerable communities through their Food Security and Nutrition (FSN), the rapid restoration/creation of livelihoods
Start date 02/01/2024
End date 01/01/2025
Budget USD 1 500 000
Project Code OSRO/VEN/028/CHA
Title Safeguarding livestock production of rural households during the winter season 2023/24 in areas affected by war escalation in Ukraine
Start date 15/10/2023
End date 14/04/2024
Budget USD 4 995 317
Project Code OSRO/UKR/024/CHA
Title Safeguarding livestock production of rural households during the winter season 2023/24 in areas affected by war escalation in Ukraine
Start date 15/10/2023
End date 14/04/2024
Budget USD 4 995 317
Project Code OSRO/UKR/024/CHA
Title Emergency support to the vulnerable livestock keepers for winter preparedness in the south of Syria (Rural Damascus, Quneitra, As-Sweida and Daraa)
Start date 01/01/2024
End date 31/12/2024
Budget USD 1 275 000
Project Code OSRO/SYR/042/CHA
Title Anticipating and responding to El Niño, a multi-sectoral early warning and livelihood response project (REACT)
Start date 01/11/2023
End date 30/04/2024
Budget USD 1 375 000
Project Code OSRO/SOM/024/CHA
Title Rural livelihoods protection through anticipatory action along the eastern seaboard
Start date 01/11/2021
End date 31/12/2024
Project Code OSRO/PHI/100/CHA
Title Projet de sécurité climatique, de résilience et de stabilisation des communautés dans le nord des régions de Maradi et Zinder
Start date 30/11/2023
End date 28/05/2026
Budget USD 1 600 000
Project Code UNJP/NER/077/PBF
Title Appui à la cohabitation pacifique entre les communautés du Logone Birni et du Nord du Cameroun
Start date 18/11/2022
End date 21/05/2024
Budget USD 1 050 002
Project Code UNJP/CMR/055/PBF
Title FAO resilience programme in the irrigation and agricultural sector
Start date 01/08/2022
End date 30/06/2024
Budget USD 3 296 703
Project Code OSRO/YEM/204/NET
Title Contribution to the programme of the desert locust control commission in the central region (CRC)
Start date 01/04/2022
End date 30/11/2024
Budget USD 1 000 000
Project Code OSRO/GLO/1036/KUW