FAO emergencies and resilience

Contributing to fisheries and livestock value chains for inclusive and sustainable growth in Somalia

©Contributing to fisheries and livestock value chains for inclusive and sustainable growth in Somalia


FAO launches project to enhance food security by increasing job opportunities in the fisheries and livestock sectors

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) recently announced the launch of a three-year project developed in partnership with the Federal Government of Somalia (FGS) and the European Union (EU). The Resilient Fisheries and Livestock Value Chain for Inclusive and Sustainable Growth in Somalia (RAAISE) project commenced on 20 January 2021 and will continue to build on the recent progress made towards increasing employment and food security for people by sustainably expanding the fisheries and livestock sectors in Somalia. The project aims to create new jobs, increase and diversify livelihoods, foster inclusive economic opportunities, and rehabilitate primary infrastructures within the fisheries and livestock sectors. Activities are planned to take place across Somalia but with a focus on corridors in Somaliland, Central North, Shabelle and Juba River.  

FAO will deliver an integrated package of activities to revitalize the Somali economy and contribute to sustainable investments in the livestock and fisheries sectors. Key areas of action for the project focus on increased quantity, quality and consistency of production; marketing; expanding access to markets; and building skills and capacities.  The project plans to work with pastoralists, fisherfolk, and honey producers by providing agricultural inputs such as seeds or tools and support with technical training.  

In a speech at the opening ceremony, FAO Representative for Somalia, Etienne Peterschmitt said: 

“FAO is pleased to be able to place the support it is bringing to this project within the wider framework of its support to the productive sectors of Somalia, in partnership with the Federal and Regional Governments, donors and the private sector.” 

” The RAAISE project recognises the significant progress that productive sector Ministries and stakeholders have made in recent years, to strengthen food supply, increase export revenues and related employment and to improve the quality of the foods delivered to Somali people. FAO is pleased to be supporting the next step in this progress”

The project will also focus on rehabilitating and constructing productive infrastructure to provide water sources for irrigation and livestock as well as improving fodder storage sheds and rehabilitating fisheries infrastructure such as jetties and markets to improve product quality; in addition to providing training through a community-based approach such as Fisher Field Schools.  

There remains vast potential to boost income generation and optimize the use of available resources in the fisheries and livestock sectors in Somalia. The RAAISE programme’s approach will allow for broad-based and inclusive growth in both of these sectors throughout the project’s duration and beyond.