FAO emergencies and resilience


ETH Hero

120 million
country population

13 million people
in need of agricultural assistance

4.6 million children and women
suffer from acute malnutrition

4.4 million people
internally displaced

FAO requires USD 175 million to support 5.46 million people for 2024

The humanitarian situation in Ethiopia has continued to deteriorate at alarming rates. Extreme weather events, such as record drought and flooding, conflict, economic shocks and the outbreak of pests and disease, have led to crop production losses and livestock deaths. This has increased food insecurity across the country, limiting access to food for millions of people. With 80 percent of the population dependent on agriculture for their livelihoods, sustained humanitarian assistance is needed to reach those made most vulnerable by these crises. Through emergency agricultural and livestock assistance, FAO helps ensure people have the resources they need to meet their basic needs, produce their own food and generate income.
Horn of Africa: “The region is facing an unprecedented disaster”

Interview with Cyril Ferrand, FAO’s Resilience Team Leader for East Africa

Agricultural aid is humanitarian aid

Supporting farmers benefits us all

FAO welcomes $34.4 million contribution from Japan to boost food security and strengthen resilience in emergency contexts

This includes $10 million to safeguard rural livelihoods and provide emergency seed support to smallholder farmers in Ukraine

Key documents

Ethiopia faces major humanitarian challenges, mainly driven by climate and economic shocks, armed conflict and food chain threats.


Under the resilience building programme, Ethiopia is a focus country for the regional initiative on Building Resilience in Africa’s Dry lands.


The lives and livelihoods of an estimated one million people in Ethiopia’s Tigray region have been severely disrupted by the recent drought in the north.

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