FAO emergencies and resilience


SOM Hero

18.7 million
country population

3.4 million people
projected to be in high acute food insecurity (April–June 2024)

1.7 million children
suffer from acute malnutrition

3.86 million people
internally displaced

to assist 889 488 people FAO requires USD 127.8 million for 2024

Acute food insecurity is projected to persist in Somalia in 2024, with millions of people in need of humanitarian assistance. Historic drought, floods, high food prices, protracted conflict and life‑threatening water and food shortages have deteriorated the food security, nutrition and livelihoods of millions of people. The impacts of these combined shocks have driven people to the brink of famine, which has so far been averted.

However, without urgently scaling up humanitarian assistance, the lives of people bearing the burden of the global climate emergency will continue to hang in a frail balance. FAO is providing cash+ and other vital emergency livelihood support to increase people’s access to food and water, ensure livestock health and help address other immediate needs, facilitating a pathway to resilience and long‑term recovery.

Agricultural aid is humanitarian aid

Supporting farmers benefits us all

Joint Press Conference at conclusion of visit to Somalia by OCHA and FAO Deputy Heads

Senior UN officials met people on the frontlines of the climate crisis as well as government officials, donor partners, and aid workers to scale...

I learned it on the radio

How FAO is training Somali farmers through the ether

Key documents

The Government of Canada through the Special Fund for Emergency and Rehabilitation Activities – Anticipatory Action Window contributed USD 1 222 000 to strengthen the capacity of communities and local governance structures in Somalia, and mitigate the impact of El Niño-related floods on the most vulnerable communities.


Within the span of a year, Somalia has gone from averting a famine caused by the longest drought in its history to the worst flooding on record.


Leveraging on more than a decade of delivering humanitarian response, saving lives, and building resilient and sustainable livelihoods in Somalia, FAO continues to prioritize strengthening the productive sectors and resilient food systems.

Safeguarding Food and Nutrition Security During Disaster

In Sool and Sanaag regions, seasonal rains have been erratic for three years, affecting crop and fodder production.

Strengthening agrifood systems in rural Somalia

Thanks to FAO and with funding from the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), food producing communities in Jowhar District have...

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