Sustainable bioenergy policies for climate action - country cases for Cote d’Ivoire, Malawi, the Philippines and Turkey

The four recently published case studies, described below, focus on different forms of bioenergy and detail the steps needed to build country level evidence to support bioenergy policy formulation. The case studies use the Bioenergy and Food Security (BEFS) Rapid Appraisal approach and tools developed by FAO to support countries in designing and implementing these policies and strategies.
FAO and its member countries are committed to meeting countries’ climate commitments (Nationally Determined Contributions) by identifying sustainable and viable renewable energy options.
Considering crop residues alone, FAO estimates that globally, around 366 million tonnes of these residues are burnt annually, corresponding to GHG emissions of about 28 728 kilo tonnes of CO2 eqv. These crop residues can be used for various purposes, including the production of energy which can have a net positive impact on our climate
The four publications describe several types of biomass. Following each stage of the bioenergy supply chain, they explain if and how biomass can be used for energy production and the related opportunities to invest in sustainable agriculture and rural development.
The uses of bioenergy vary according to numerous factors - different options and solutions work in different contexts. The case studies look at the process required to identify the potential within bioenergy supply chains to support the low-emission and cost-effective energy solutions that countries are looking for. The descriptions and analyses have been developed for training purposes, so other countries can use them as a guide and better understand how to apply the BEFS Rapid Appraisal tools and approach.
Using crop and woody residues for rural electricity provision in Côte d’Ivoire
Off-grid rural electrification options using crop and woody residues in Côte d’Ivoire show that if all crop and forest residues estimated as available could be used, an estimated 2 million people could be supplied with electricity using two types of technology: combustion and gasification. This supply would cover 57 percent of the people living in rural areas who currently do not have access to electricity.
Charcoal technologies and briquette production in Malawi
Improved charcoal technologies and briquette production from woody residues in Malawi.
In a country that relies heavily on charcoal for energy, this case study provides evidence that medium-large scale briquette technology in Malawi could be a potential local enterprise but that policy incentives will be required to promote a transition from charcoal to briquettes.
Ethanol and biodiesel production in the Philippines for the transport sector
Meeting the mandates set for liquid biofuels for transport in the Philippines. The Philippines have set mandates for ethanol and biodiesel: these are to reach 20% for ethanol and 20% for biodiesel by 2030. The case studies illustrate that meeting the mandates could be challenging and require large investment.
Generating energy from rice husk and rice straw in Turkey
Turning rice residues into energy in combined heat and power systems in Turkey. The case study illustrates how energy can be produced from rice residues. At provincial level, a total of 5.5 MW and 8.0 MW could be generated from rice husk and rice straw respectively. Using rice residues for electricity generation in Turkey would also help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by replacing current fossil fuel-based sources.
For more information about the FAO Energy team and their work: www.fao/
To use the Bioenergy and Food Security Rapid Appraisal Tools:
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