
Visit the Energy discovery station at the World Food Forum!


Learn about the production and use of of modern bioenergy for clean cooking!

As part of the World Food Forum (WFF), we set up an informative jump station for young people, so you can to learn more about the key role of clean energy access for food security and climate mitigation. 

The Energy Team, part of the Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment (OCB) works to ensure that countries and stakeholder respond to the challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss and environment degradation, keeping food and agriculture sustainability high on the agenda. 

Young people will have the chance to learn more about bioenergy and, thanks to the kind contribution of the University of Udine, they will also be able to see and touch different bioenergy sources and products. 

Launched in 2021, the World Food Forum (WFF) is an independent, youth-led global network of partners facilitated by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). It aims to spark a global movement that empowers young people everywhere to actively shape agrifood systems to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and a better food future for all.