Усилия ФАО как глобальной организации направлены на разработку информационных продуктов, в которых используются актуальные результаты осуществляемых ею проектов и программ. Следующие источники по теме "Энергия" могут быть полезны заинтересованным сторонам и представителям исследовательских учреждений на глобальном, региональном и местном уровне в рамках их усилий по обеспечению рационального и устойчивого использования энергии в сельскохозяйственных секторах.

How2Guide for Bioenergy
Year: 2017
This How2Guide for Bioenergy is designed to provide stakeholders from government, industry, and other bioenergy-related institutions with the methodology and tools required to successfully plan and implement a roadmap for bioenergy at the national or regional level. As a guide [...]

Morocco: Monitoring adoption of key sustainable climate technologies in the agrifood sector
Year: 2016
Introduction Climate change plays an increasingly important role in the international debate on food security. While the key concern is on how climate change can impact world food security: how to meet the food needs of a world population reaching [...]

How access to energy can influence food loss. A brief overview
Year: 2016
This report focusses on understanding how access to energy is a key factor affecting the magnitude of food lost in developing countries. It identifies the main stages of the food value chain where increasing access to energy can play a dominant role in reducing food [...]

Opportunities for Agri-Food Chains to become Energy-Smart
Year: 2015
The world’s agri-food supply chains are being challenged. For several decades, the production, processing and distribution of food have been highly dependent on fossil fuel inputs (the exception being subsistence farmers who use only manual labor and perhaps animal power [...]

Pilot Testing of GBEP Sustainability Indicators for Bioenergy in Indonesia
Year: 2014
The Global Bioenergy Partnership (GBEP) has produced a set of twenty-four indicators for the assessment and monitoring of bioenergy sustainability at the national level. The GBEP indicators are intended to inform policymakers about the environmental, social and economic sustainability aspects [...]

Walking the Nexus Talk: Assessing the Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the context of the Sustainable Energy for All Initiative
Year: 2014
Due to global transformational trends, such as population growth, economic development and climate change, energy, water, land and human resources are increasingly under pressure to support societal development and to maintain necessary services. Decisionmakers need improved tools in order to [...]

Evidence-based assessment of the sustainability and replicability of integrated foodenergy systems
Year: 2014
Bioenergy when managed sustainably and efficiently can be an alternative energy source that helps reduce energy access problems. Rural and urban communities can benefit from increased access to energy, and therefore improved food security when bioenergy feedstock is produced guided [...]

An Innovative Accounting Framework for the Food-Energy-Water Nexus - Application of the MuSIASEM approach to three case studies
Year: 2013
This report presents the results of the application of an integrated analysis approach,
the Multi-Scale Integrated Assessment of Society and Ecosystem Metabolism (hereafter
MuSIASEM), to three case studies: (i) An analysis of the option to produce biofuel
from sugarcane in the Republic of [...]

“Energy-Smart” Food for People and Climate Issue Paper
Year: 2012
The aim of this paper is to discuss how the entire food sector, from the farmer’s fi eld to the consumer’s plate, can become more ‘energy-smart’. Becoming energy-smart will require a transformation along the food chain that involves: - relying [...]

Energy-smart food at FAO: An overview
Year: 2012
This paper presents FAO’s work on energy in relation to specific components of the agrifood chain. It complements two recent publications, Energy-Smart Food for People and Climate Issues Paper and the policy brief, Making the Case for Energy-Smart Food. These [...]