The Energizing Agriculture Assessment Tool (EAAT)
The FAO/World Bank Energizing Agriculture Assessment Tool (EAAT) provides insight into the energy use of an agriculture value chain. It assesses current energy use, needs, energy intervention options and the related economic and GHG emission levels during production and processing. The tool helps understand where the use of energy could be further improved, and where energy issues might cause operational bottlenecks.
BEFS Rapid Appraisal
The BEFS Rapid Appraisal (RA) consists of a set of easily applicable methodologies and user-friendly tools which allow countries to get an initial indication of their sustainable bioenergy potential and of the associated opportunities, risks and trade-offs.
The BEFS RA tools assist policy makers/technical officers to understand:
- Energy, agriculture and food security in the context of their country.
- Viable sustainable bioenergy options.
- Bioenergy options which require more in-depth analysis, e.g. through the BEFS Detailed Analysis.
INVESTA methodology
The “Investing in Sustainable Energy Technologies in the Agrifood Sector” (INVESTA) methodology provides guidelines for a sound and comprehensive cost-benefit analysis (CBA) of clean energy interventions in agrifood value chains and compares the economic net benefits (including hidden costs and co-benefits) with a simple financial analysis to inform investors.
GBEP Sustainability Indicators
The GBEP Sustainability Indicators are a set of 24 voluntary indicators to measure environmental, social and economic impacts of any type of bioenergy production and use at the national level. They provide a tool to guide sustainability assessments of bioenergy, with a view to informing decision making and facilitating the sustainable development of bioenergy.