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La iniciativa de Educación para las Poblaciones Rurales

Esta página es un resumen del material educativo y formativo de la FAO y de otras fuentes- incluso experiencias de aprendizaje a distancia- que tiene el objetivo de mejorar el desarrollo de capacidad para la seguridad alimentaria.

Todo el material está disponible en línea y es gratuito, a una parte de éste se puede acceder a través de una simple suscripción. El material puede ser útil para nuestros miembros y todas las organizaciones y personas que trabajan para mejorar la educación y las habilidades para la vida de las poblaciones rurales.

Esta página se realizó para coleccionar, analizar y difundir las informaciones. Aquí se pueden también encontrar portales en red accesibles y simples, manuales, líneas guías, mejores prácticas y cursos en línea.

En el siguiente listado, encontrarás también algunos instrumentos en línea 2.0 gratuitos para el intercambio de conocimientos sobre educación agrícola y formación.

The Education for rural people (ERP) Tool KIt This ERP Tool kit provides education and training materials for rural teachers, technicians, instructors, trainers, parents, researchers, extensionists and others involved in formal and non formal education for rural people. It could also provide tools for self studies. www.fao.org/erp/erp-toolkit-en/en/
The Millennium Development Goals   www.un.org/millenniumgoals/
FAO and the eight Millennium DEvelopment Goals   www.fao.org/mdg/22417-1-0.pdf
Capacity Development Portal FAO's Capacity Development Portal is designed to help FAO's partners, member states and other international, national and local development actors to access knowledge, information, training tools, good practices, and services in Capacity Development in FAO's mandate areas. www.fao.org/capacitydevelopment/en/
The Share Fair The Share Fairs aim to be positively interactive events, providing the possibility for Staff to showcase their experiences in knowledge sharing and, at the same time, learning from each other. www.sharefair.net
FAO - Office of Knowledge Exchange, Research and Extension The Office provides leadership towards an integrated approach to the generation, management, sharing, communication and transfer of knowledge and information related to food, agriculture and towards the sustainable use of the earth’s natural resources in order to respond to the knowledge, technology and capacity development needs of member countries and the fostering of research, innovation, extension and learning. www.fao.org/oek/oek-home/en/
The Information Management Resource Kit (IMARK) The Information Management Resource Kit (IMARK) is a partnership-based e-learning initiative to train individuals and support institutions and networks world-wide in the effective management of agricultural information. IMARK consists of a suite of distance learning resources, tools and communities on information management. www.imarkgroup.org
FAO Knowledge Networks community centre The site lists all FAO sponsored and coordinated Knowledge Networks and Communities of Practice www.fao.org/knowledge/networksandcommunities/en/
Knowledge Forum The FAO Knowledge Forum aims at promoting and sharing the knowledge produced by the organization through a number of advisory and guidance services and by providing access to appropriate tools and resources. www.fao.org/knowledge/kfhome/en/
IMARK The Information Management Resource Kit (IMARK) is a partnership-based e-learning initiative to train individuals and support institutions and networks world-wide in the effective management of agricultural information. IMARK consists of a suite of distance learning resources, tools and communities on information management. www.imarkgroup.org/modulelist_en.asp
CGIAR The ICT-KM Program of the CGIAR promotes and supports the use of information and communications technology (ICT) and knowledge management (KM) to improve the effectiveness of the CGIAR System's work on behalf of the poor in developing countries. ictkm.cgiar.org/category/knowledge-sharing/
Best Practices In the spirit of FAO's stronger focus on knowledge sharing, this new FAO Best Practices Web site provides a series of summaries that introduce some best practices in FAO's areas of expertise. It also provides links to further resources with supporting technical information. www.fao.org/bestpractices/
ICT in Agriculture Sourcebook This site offers practical and up-to-date information and resources in this area, focusing on rural development. www.ictinagriculture.org/ictinag/
Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools (JFFLS) The goal of the JFFLS is to empower vulnerable youth, and provide them with the livelihood options and gender-sensitive skills needed for long-term food security while reducing their vulnerability to destitution and risk coping strategies. www.fao-ilo.org/fao_ilo_youth/fao_ilo_jffls/en/
Farmer Field School Approach (FFS) FAO and other development organizations have been promoting farmer field schools – an innovative approach to adult education first developed in Southeast Asia for pest management – to improve land and water management in Africa. www.fao.org/nr/land/sustainable-land-management/
YPARD (Young Professional's Platform for Agricultural Research for Development) YPARD is an international movement by Young Professionals for Young Professionals in Agricultural Research for Development. YPARD operates as a network; it is not a formalized institution. This global on-line and off-line communication and discussion platform is meant to enable YPs all over the world to express their ideas and realize their full potential towards a dynamic ARD. ypard.net
Junior Farmer Field and Life Schools Supporting rural youths with active learning programmes relevant to farming, income generation and nutrition www.fao.org/bestpractices/content/11/11_04_en.htm
School Gardens School Gardens are found in many countries, in different forms and sizes, with varying aims. In most cases, the School Garden is an area of land within the school grounds or nearby. www.fao.org/schoolgarden/index_en.htm
Food for the Cities If poverty in the cities is not explicitly addressed and food not given the needed attention in urban planning, the Millennium Development Goals will not be achieved. This can only be done within a comprehensive perspective linking cities to rural areas. www.fao.org/fcit/en/
Data.fao.org The data.fao.org website will bring together statistics, maps, pictures, and documents on food and agriculture from throughout the Organization. data.fao.org
The new FAOSTAT platform The site will continue to provide free access to data from 245 countries and territories. Users are able to query and view data by domain and country through interactive maps, tables, and charts, and an improved search function. faostat3.fao.org
TECA TECA is a platform where you can find practical information – agricultural technologies and practices – to help small producers in the field. In addition, you can interact with people with similar interests and discuss sustainable solutions for your work in our online forums – or Exchange Groups. teca.fao.org
Capacity Development Portal   www.fao.org/capacitydevelopment/en/
South to South Cooperation at FAO FAO organizes special South-South Cooperation (SSC) agreements, so that technicians and experts from emerging developing countries can work directly with farmers in host countries, sharing their knowledge and skills. Up to April 2010, 40 agreements have been signed. www.fao.org/spfs/south-south-spfs/ssc-spfs/en/
ADAM - Agricultural Development Assistance Mapping - FAO The Agriculture Development Assistance Mapping tool (ADAM) has been created to support development strategy by guiding users to where assistance and funding is likely to be mobilized and get to where it is needed most. www.fao.org/tc/adam/data/index.html
LaSalle Beauvais Capacity Development is at the heart of FAO's mandate. The Capacity Development Portal contributes to FAO's vision of strengthening the national capacities of its Member Countries to achieve their own goals in the areas of food security and agricultural development. www.lasalle-beauvais.fr
Dimitra Dimitra is a participatory information and communication project which contributes to improving the visibility of rural populations, women in particular. www.fao.org/dimitra/en/
GFAR - The Global Forum on Agricultural Research GFAR seeks to integrate research with the societies it aims to serve and puts farmers and the explicit needs of the poor at the very core of agricultural research and innovation systems. www.egfar.org/egfar/
Young Professionals' Platform for Agricultural Research (YPARD) YPARD serves as a global platform through which young professionals can express their ideas and realise their full potential towards a dynamic agricultural research for development www.ypard.org
Virtual Extension and Research Communication Network (Vercon) The VERCON model aims to enhance interaction among agricultural research, extension, farmers and the other stakeholders of agriculture and rural development. km.fao.org/vercon/
National Forest Programme Facility The NFP Facilty, since 2002, has supported the stakeholders involvement in the forest policy process. In particular, the NFP Facility has delivered grants to the civil society for their participation in the formulation process through studies, providing a solid local level input for policy decision makers at national level. In addition, the civil society and the Forest Agencies have been involved in the implementation of concrete activities of the nfp. www.nfp-facility.org/en/
The Right to Food The Right to Food Unit supports the implementation of the human right to adequate food, using FAO’s Right to Food Guidelines. It develops methods and instruments to assist stakeholders in the implementation of the right to food and information and training materials to raise awareness and understanding by rights holders, duty bearers, civil society and the general public and supports initial national implementation of the right to food at national level. www.fao.org/righttofood/
The ICT-KM Program The ICT-KM Program of the CGIAR promotes and supports the use of information and communications technology (ICT) and knowledge management (KM) to improve the effectiveness of the CGIAR System's work on behalf of the poor in developing countries. ictkm.cgiar.org
Children and Youth FAO with a number of partners is developing resources, activities and the mechanisms to enhance awareness, access to information and participation of children and young people in a range of environmental, social and sustainable development issues, including climate change. www.fao.org/climatechange/youth/en/
the Knowledge Sharing Toolkit   www.kstoolkit.org
Knowledge Sharing Tools By tools we mean websites or software that can be used to support personal and group knowledge sharing. Often tools are used with methods. www.kstoolkit.org/KSTools
Distance Learning - Introduction The Distance Learning Component offers self-paced e-learning, developed by international experts to support capacity building and on-the-job Training and Workshops at national and local food security information systems and networks. www.kstoolkit.org/KS+Methods
Distance Learning - Courses   www.kstoolkit.org/Communities+of+Practice
CGIAR web site The CGIAR’s website talks about the research and current topics and has an interactive map to see what is going on and where. It has links to each individual research center. consortium.cgiar.org/home
Collaboration and Advocacy Techniques (3 Lessons) This course illustrates a wide range of tools and techniques that can be used to improve collaboration and knowledge sharing, and provides guidance on conducting collaborative food security assessments. ictkm.wordpress.com/catagory/ks-course/
Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev) This wiki is both a working area for the Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev) community and a way for us to make our joint work accessible to a wider audience. wiki.km4dev.org/wiki/index.php/Main_Page
Knowledge Management for Development' (KM4dev) website Knowledge Management for Development (KM4Dev) is a community of international development practitioners who are interested in knowledge management and knowledge sharing issues and approaches. www.km4dev.org
Knowledge and information sharing through the AGRIS Network The AGRIS Network is an international initiative based on a collaborative network of institutions, whose aim is to promote free access to information on science and technology in agriculture and related subjects agris.fao.org/about
AgriFeeds: The Agricultural News and Events Aggregator   www.agrifeeds.org
Overseas Development Institute ODI resources capture the latest critical thinking on development issues. www.odi.org.uk/resources/
Dare to Share The Dare to Share your knowledge site is about learning and sharing knowledge. It is owned by the “Knowledge and Learning Processes” division of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC). www.daretoshare.ch
Distance Learning - Introduction   www.foodsec.org/DL/dlintro_en.asp
Distance Learning - Courses   www.foodsec.org/DL/dlcourselist_en.asp
Collaboration and Advocacy Techniques (3 Lessons) This course illustrates a wide range of tools and techniques that can be used to improve collaboration and knowledge sharing, and provides guidance on conducting collaborative food security assessments. www.foodsec.org/tr_res_07.htm
E-agriculture There are a number of e-Learning resources freely available online for courses and modules focused on e-Agriculture as a field or designed to teach participants skills relevant to areas of e-Agriculture. www.e-agriculture.org/489.html
FAO Policy Support The website highlights the work carried out by the FAO Policy Support team, which consists in providing resources for policy making in agriculture, rural development and food security and assisting FAO member countries. www.fao.org/tc/policy-support/policy-support-home/en/
Agora The AGORA program, set up by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) together with major publishers, enables developing countries to gain access to an outstanding digital library collection in the fields of food, agriculture, environmental science and related social sciences. www.aginternetwork.org/en/
“Our World, Our Climate, Our Food”: International Drawing Competition The drawing competition was undertaken to raise awareness on issues concerning climate change, environment and food security. Over 1400 drawings were received from 46 countries. The drawings are now being used on posters, publications, and activity badges. It is also important to mention that the design of the badge of our Climate Change and Food Security Challenge Badge is derived from the drawing of Chan Hiu Wing (Hong Kong), the overall winner of this competition. www.yunga.org/scans/gallery_en.asp
“Unite for Climate” Portal Unite for Climate is collaborative initiative with UNICEF and other UN agencies and civil society organizations. The Portal is a home for children and young people to exchange ideas and work together of issues related to climate change. The portal also contains a great variety of information related to climate change, forums and other infrastructures. The Portal will shortly be amplified to cover other topics (such as biodiversity). uniteforclimate.org
United Nations Youth Award web site YUNGA with its partners is developing the United Nations Youth Award (UNYA). The award is an exciting self-development programme available to all young people between the ages of 14 and 25. It aims to equip them with life skills to make a difference to themselves, their communities and the world. At the core of the award are the principles of the United Nations and civil society organizations such as the International Award, the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts and the World Organization of the Scout Movement. The award has 8 sections: 1) Service; 2) Adventurous Journey; 3) Skills; 4) Physical Recreation; 5) Residential Project (Gold only); 6) Global Citizenship; 7) Millennium Development Goals. yunga-youth.weebly.com/un-award.html
The Youth and United Nations Global Alliance (YUNGA) The Youth and United Nations Global Alliance (YUNGA) was created to generate collaborative initiatives between United Nations agencies and other organizations and civil society organizations working with children and young people. YUNGA is a gateway to assist the engagement of youths in activities of key environmental and social concern at the national and international level. YUNGA seeks to empower children and young people to have a greater role in society, support UN related activities, raise awareness and be active agents of change. yunga-youth.weebly.com
Food, Agriculture & Decent Work FAO and ILO have been working in collaboration on numerous issues related to labor in the agricultural sector. Joint Web site contains a comprehensive overview and includes sections on youth and child labor in agriculture section. www.fao-ilo.org
Coherence in Information for Agricultural Research for Development The Coherence in Information for Agricultural Research for Development (CIARD) initiative is working to make agricultural research information publicly available and accessible to all. This means working with organisations that hold information or that create new knowledge – to help them disseminate it more efficiently and make it easier to access. www.ciard.net
The Universal Digital Library the Universal Library is a free-to-read, searchable collection of one million books, available to everyone over the Internet. www.ulib.org
AGORA The AGORA program, set up by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN (FAO) together with major publishers, enables developing countries to gain access to an outstanding digital library collection in the fields of food, agriculture, environmental science and related social sciences. www.aginternetwork.org/en/
FAO Corporate Document Repository The FAO Corporate Document Repository houses FAO documents and publications, as well as selected non-FAO publications, in electronic format. It enables users to easily access the accumulated knowledge and information produced by FAO directly on the Internet. www.fao.org/documents/
David Lubin Memorial Library The Library has over one million volumes; the journal collection contains approximately 13,000 titles of which 1,450 are electronic. The heavily used working collection consists of FAO documentation, books and serials in FAO subject fields, a comprehensive reference collection and specialized Branch Library collections in Fisheries and Forestry. www.fao.org/library
Food Security Information for Action Programme The EC-FAO Food Security Information for www.foodsec.org/dl/dlregistration_en.asp
Courses The Distance Learning Component offers self-paced www.foodsec.org/dl/dlcourselist_en.asp
Principles of Partnership FAO's policy is to attract increased private sector participation in food security and other agricultural development programmes through partnership activities www.fao.org/tc/private/principles_en.asp
FAO Knowledge Forum’s Newsletters pages The site lists all newsletters produced by FAO on topics from conservation agriculture to biotechnology, and livestock to codex alimentarius and more www.fao.org/knowledge/newsletters/en/
The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition The Global Forum on Food Security and Nutrition (FSN Forum) is a community of practitioners currently reaching more than 2400 members from across the world’s five continents. km.fao.org/fsn/
The website @ participation The Participation Website was established in 1999 by the Informal Working Group on Participatory Approaches and Methods to Support Sustainable Livelihoods and Food Security (IWG-PA). One of the key objectives of the working group was to capitalize on FAO's most successful normative and field experiences with participatory approaches and methods through their adaptation, replication and dissemination, in order to enhance FAO's field programme www.fao.org/participation
The Sudan Institutional Capacity Programme: The Sudan Institutional Capacity Programme: Food Security Information for Action (SIFSIA) works with national institutions in Sudan to strengthen their capacity for generating, analyzing, and disseminating food security information. www.fao.org/sudanfoodsecurity/en/
Ask FAO Ask FAO is a Web site where you can find Facts, Figures and Statistics, Find out about Projects and Country Activities / Information www.fao.org/askfao/
Dgroups 2.0 Dgroups 2.0 is the starting point for groups and communities in international development. We are a partnership which caters to both individuals and organisations by offering tools and services that bring people together. dgroups.org/standards.cfm/
Wikispaces Wikispaces is an intuitive and user-friendly wiki wikispaces.com
Skype Skype is an application that allows speaking to anyone in the world for free. www.skype.com
PBworks in Education PBworks hosts educational workspaces, and has helped transform teaching and learning for millions of students, parents and teachers. pbwiki.com
Twitter Twitter is an information network in real-time twitter.com
Delicious Delicious is a Social Bookmarking service, which means you can save all your bookmarks online, share them with other people, and see what other people are bookmarking www.delicious.com
Mendeley Mendeley is a free reference manager and academic social network that can help you organize your research, collaborate with others online, and discover the latest research www.mendeley.com