Conférence aux Caraïbes sur l'Education pour les populations rurales : sécurité alimentaire, compétitivité en agriculture, et niveau de vie soutenable.

Saint Lucie, Indes occidentales.
18 - 19 mai 2006.

Coupures de presse

La Conférence aux Caraïbes a eu comme thématique l'amélioration de l'éducation et la formation pour les personnes qui vivent dans des communautés afin d'atteindre les objectifs du Millénaire.

La Conférence a discuté ainsi les moyens d'augmenter l'emploi et le niveau de vie aux Caraïbes et a publié un communiqué final dans lequel étaient inclues des recommandations pour les opérateurs du secteur.

Les Partenaires de cette initiative étaient les Ministères de l'Agriculture et de l'éducation, les ONGs et les Institutions engagées dans cette thématique.

La Conférence a été organisée en collaboration avec la FAO, la Coopération Italienne au développement, la Banque mondiale, l'UNESCO et l'Association des ONG italiennes, L'institut pour la Coopération en agriculture (IICA), La Banque de développement des Caraïbes, l'institut de développement et de recherche des Caraïbes, et L'IIEP de l'UNESCO.

Mr. Martin Satney, le secrétaire permanent du Ministre de l'agriculture, des forêts et de la pêche de Saint Lucie a ouvert la Conférence.

Un Atelier régional mené par la FAO et l'UNESCO a été mis en place en Asie, en Amérique Latine, et


Opening Remarks

Key Note Addresses: A Global Partnership to Accelerate Progress towards MDG 1 and 2 through Education for Rural People
Dr. Lavinia Gasperini, Senior Officer, Agricultural Education, Sustainable Development Department, FAO, Rome

Addressing learning needs of rural people : constraints and policy options
Dr. David Atchoarena, Senior Project Analyst, UNESCO - International Institute for Educational Planning, Paris

Conference Rationale, Objectives and the Programme
Dr. Bill Seiders, Senior Extension Education Officer, Sub-regional Office for the Caribbean, FAO, Barbados

Background Presentations:
ERP in the Broader Latin America and Caribbean Region
Ms. Vera Boerger, Education and Communication Officer, FAO, Santiago, Chile
Rurality and Sustainable Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA)
Mr. Joseph Peltier, Regional Specialist in Sustainable Livelihoods in the Caribbean Rural Development, Inter-American Institute for Barbados
Agricultural Competitiveness and Food Security in the Caribbean
Mr. Gregg Rawlins, Consultant Project Manager, FAO/CARICOM/ CARIFORUM/ Government of Italy, Food Security Project
Agricultural Research and Development in Support of Caribbean Agricultural Research and Education for Rural People
Mrs. Claudette de Freitas, Information Resources Manager, Development Institute (CARDI)

Results of the Working Groups
Current status of Poverty, Food Security, (MDG1), Agricultural Competitiveness and Sustainable Livelihoods in the Caribbean: Implications for Education and Training

Current status of Access, Quality and Capacity Issues Related to ERP (MDG 2) in the Caribbean

Good Practices and Lessons Learned
IICA's Experience: Education and Training for Rural People in the Caribbean
Ms. Una May Gordon, IICA Representative in the Eastern Caribbean States
Caribbean Integrated School Gardening Initiative
Dr. Carmen Dardano, Food and Nutrition Officer, FAO Sub-regional Office for the Caribbean, Barbados
Skills Training through the Adult Education Association of Guyana and Capacity Building among HIV/AIDS Communities in Guyana
Ms. Vanessa Thompson and Ms. Jean Lowry, Country Director, CHF - Partners in Rural Development
Education for Sustainable Development and Education for Rural People in the Caribbean
Ms. Ushio Miura, UNESCO Office for the Caribbean with Mr. Santosh Khatri, UNESCO, Paris.
Skill Enhancement for the New Workforce with Implications for Rural Populations in the Caribbean
Ms. Maxine Harris, Caribbean Forum for Development managed by the Caribbean Development Bank
Youth and Agriculture
Calvin James, Youth Researcher, Food, Nutrition and Agricultural Development, Trinidad and Tobago
Promoting CARICOM/CARIFORUM Food Security

National Strategies - Country-specific Group Work
National strategies and commitments for strengthening education for rural people in each participant country of the Caribbean:
Antigua, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Jamaica, St. Kits & Nevis, St. Vincent & the Grenadines, St. Lucia (host country)

Communiqué on ERP in the Caribbean