The future of Agricultural Education and Training, and Capacity Development: lesson learned from the Education for Rural People Partnerhip

28 May 2008
FAO Headquarter, Rome, Italy

The vision of the possible future strategic priorities for Education and Training in the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations(FAO), based on the lessons learned since the launch of the Education for Rural People (ERP) partnership in 2002 was presented during this meeting. The partnership originated from the implementation process for the World Summit on Sustainable Development (2002) , the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs, 2000), and the World Food Summit (1996) and from the global consensus on the importance of education and training - including agriculture education and extension, in reducing poverty.

The paper was presented by Ingemar Gustfsson. Mr. Gustafsson has been responsible for Approaches to Capacity Development and coordinated Swedish Sida´s work on guidelines, manuals and training in this field until his retirement from Sida in May 2007.