Third Meeting of the Consultative Group in preparation of the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA VI)

18-20 June 2008
Hamburg, Germany

From 18 to 20 of June 2008 , in Hamburg, Germany, ERP took part to the third meeting of the Sixth International Conference on Adult Education (CONFINTEA) Consultative Group. This is an advisory committee on a wide range of aspects concerning the preparation of CONFINTEA VI.

The ERP coordinator referred to Mr Di Diouf’s correspondence with Mr Matsuura stressing the importance of CONFINTEA VI focusing on Adult Education for rural. Rural youth and adults are the majority of the population in most developing countries as well as the majority of the world’s poor. “Education and training in agriculture and rural development” as well as “agricultural extension” were identified by the Consultative group as key topics that will need to receive special attention during CONFINTEA VI.

The objective of the third meeting was to review overall progress in the preparation of CONFINTEA VI which will address as a key theme “Living and Learning for a Viable Future: the power of adult learning and will take place in Belem, Brazil, from 19 to 22 may 2009.