ERP at the Meeting of the International Working Group on Education (IWGE)

8-12 June 2008
Long Island (New York), USA

ERP’s global technical and historical perspective, as well as future challenges and ERP’s policies and strategies to accelerate progress towards MDGs were presented during the International Working Group on Education (IWGE) from 8 to 12 June 2008 in Long Island (New York). During the meeting it was highlighted that education investments have a high direct impact on food security and the need for statistics to monitor progress in educating rural people at national and international level was stressed. Participants reiterated consensus on priority to be given to ERP in order to achieve Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) n.1 and 2, as well as other MDGs. The meeting also stressed that while post-primary education and training are one of the greatest challenges facing African education systems in general, it is even more crucial for rural people whose access further levels of education beyond primary is denied. Participation in the Working Group ensured continuity to the joint FAO/IIEP 2006 IWGW and keeping high the momentum generated in such occasion which placed rural people at the centre of the Working Group agenda.

The IWGE convenes on an 18 month cycle development agencies to foster co-operation and discuss policies and innovative approaches of international assistance to education, training and capacity building and address upcoming development challenges.

The meeting allowed for coordination with other organizations and international development agencies and discussed policies, strategies and guidelines for improving education and training in the developing world, by a greater commitment to education and training for rural people and agricultural education, at all levels of the educations systems, as well as in non-formal education.