ERP intervention in Salus Hominis Second Seminar

4-6 November 2011
Rome, Italy

The Centro Studi e Ricerche Interdisciplinari "Salus Hominis" (Interdisciplinary Research and Study Center on the Well Being of Human Beings), socially useful NPO (ONLUS), has invited the Education for Rural People (ERP) partnership coordination unit to intervene during a seminar ( Rome, -4- 6 November ) on “The Educational response to poverty and hunger with and interdisciplinary approach” .
The Seminar title is “Give them food: psychological, social and spiritual aspects of food.
This is an opportunity to strengthen the FAO partnership with the civil society, learn about their commitment to ERP and food security and safety, and share the FAO knowledge, through the Education for Rural People (ERP) partnership initiative.
The ERP initiative has about 400 partners, of which about 40% are nonprofit organization, very active in promoting food security and poverty reduction at grass root level. Salus Hominis joined ERP as a partner during 2010.
