المطبوعات الإلكترونية

  المطبوعات الإلكترونية

  1. Choquet, P.L. Education et développement rural en Colombie. Etude d'une initiative innovante: le projet Utopía
    July 2012


  2. Sacchetti, C. Improving cancer prevention in developing countries: educational Alimentation and Agriculture communication is essential


  3. M. S. Swaminathan Research Foundation Operation 2015: An Integrated Approach to Achieving UN MDG 1 in the Koraput Region of Odisha
    FAO, Rome, May 2011


  4. Ingemar G. Education as a way to strengthen the capacity of rural people to improve food security; Towards a tool for analysis.
    FAO, Rome, January 2011


  5. IFAD IFAD 2011 Rural Poverty Report (Contribution acknowledged).
    IFAD, Rome, December 2010


  6. Gasperini, L. How the Education for Rural People policy contributes to sustainable development in Tomorrow Today"
    Tudor Rose - UNESCO Paris, November 2010 Pages 38-41


  7. Eskola T. & Gasperini L." Investing in skills development for socio-economic empowerment of rural women"
    International Labour Office (ILO), Geneva, September 2010


  8. Bertelli F."Education for Rural People for a biodiversity culture"
    FAO, 2010


  9. Gasperini, L. From Policy to Data- Education for Rural People. In: Making education work for all. A Report from the International Working Group on Education. p.99-102
    UNESCO IIEP, 2009


  10. Reducing Children’s Food Insecurity through Primary Education for Rural Mothers: The case of Mozambique
    by Burchi, F., De Muro, P.
    University Roma Tre/Department of Economics, 2009


  11. Cultivating Knowledge and Skills to Grow African Agriculture A Synthesis of an Institutional, Regional, and International Review
    by The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / The World Bank, 2007


  12. Education for Rural People: What have we learned? (The Journal of International Agricultural and Extension Education (AIAEE), Vol. 15, n.1.
    by Acker, D.G & Gasperini, L., 2008


  13. Preparing for the future: Rethinking Higher Agriculture Education and Environment in the Asia Pacific
    by FAO and Asia Pacific Association of Educators in Agriculture Education and Environment (APEAEN), 2008
  14. http://www.fao.org/sd/erp/RethinkingHigherEducation_en.htm

  15. Education for Rural People: a neglected key to food security
    by Francesco Burchi Pasquale De Muro, Rome, 2007


  16. Rural education with Norway as a case
    by Karen Brit Feldberg, LINS, March 2007


  17. Report of The Caribbean Conference on Education For Rural People: Food Security, Agricultural Competitiveness and Sustainable Livelihoods
    18 and 19 May 2006, Royal St. Lucian Rodney Bay, Saint Lucia, West Indies "
    by John Oxenham, 2006


  18. Ministerial Seminar on Education for Rural People in Africa: Policy Lessons, Options and Priorities hosted by the Government of Ethiopia
    By Ayalew Shibeshi
    7-9 September 2005, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia


  19. The Evaluation of International Cooperation in Education: A Rural Perspective
    By David Atchoarena, 2006


  20. The contribution of Higher Education to learning and development in rural areas: experiences and policy implications
    By David Atchoarena, June 2006


  21. Higher Education for Rural Development , in "Rebuilding Africa’s capacity for agricultural development: the role of tertiary education" , The African Network for Agroforestry Education, ANAFE, ICRAF, Nairobi, Kenya, 2003, (with P. Van Lierop, and D. Atchoarena).
    Available only on hard copy.

  22. Can nutrition education make a difference?
    by E. Muehlhoff
    International Congress on Nutrition. Durban, South Africa, 19-23 September 2005


  23. Universities and national agricultural research in North Africa and the Near East


  24. Skills Development for Rural People: A Renewed Challenge - November 2005

    http://www.fao.org/sd/erp/http://www.fao.org/sd/erp/documents2006/Paper 10.doc

  25. The MDGs and Sustainable Rural Development in sub-Saharan Africa. Challenges and Implications for Education for Rural People (ERP)


  26. Education for Rural People (ERP) to achieve EFA and the MDGs
    by David Atchoarena, Lavinia Gasperini, July 2005


  27. Les ONG françaises et le programme FAO/UNESCO "Education pour les populations rurales (EPR)" - June 2005


  28. Growing up in the Real World contributes to enhance the quality of Education for Rural People - November 2004
  29. http://www.fao.org/sd/dim_kn2/kn2_041101_en.htm

  30. Magnitude of social disparities in primary education in Africa: Gender, geographical location, and family income in the context of Education for All (EFA) - October 2004
  31. http://www.fao.org/sd/dim_kn2/kn2_041001_en.htm

  32. Education for rural people to boost agricultural productivity in Latin America - August 2004
  33. http://www.fao.org/newsroom/en/news/2004/49012/index.html

  34. A proposal presented to the Steering committee of the Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)- June 2004
  35. http://www.fao.org/sd/dim_kn2/kn2_040501_en.htm

  36. The challenges of farmer training: the exemple of French-speaking West Africa - April 2004
  37. http://www.fao.org/sd/dim_kn2/kn2_040401_en.htm

  38. Education for Rural Development: towards new policy responses (November 2003)
  39. http://www.fao.org/sd/2003/kn12033_en.htm

  40. Education for Rural People as a component of a Rural Development Strategy for Croatia (October 2003)
  41. http://www.fao.org/sd/2003/kn10043_en.htm

  42. Interview with Ms Lavinia Gasperin, Senior Officer, SDRE at FAO (August 2003)
  43. http://www.rdfs.net/news/interviews/0308in/0308in_fao_Unesco_en.htm

  44. The report of the Aid Agencies Workshop on "Education for rural people: Targeting the poor", Rome, Italy, 12-13 (June 2003)
  45. http://www.fao.org/sd/2003/KN0604_en.htm

  46. FAO/UNESCO seminar: Education for rural development in Asia: Experiences and policy lessons (May 2003) (Report)
  47. http://www.fao.org/waicent/faoinfo/sustdev/2003/KN0507_en.htm

  48. Education for rural development. A joint study by FAO and UNESCO/IIEP (March 2003)
  49. http://www.fao.org/sd/2003/KN12033_en.htm

  50. FAO and UNESCO seek firm support from donors for education programmes for rural people (February 2003)
  51. http://www.rdfs.net/news/news/0302ne/0302ne_unesco_en.htm

  52. Education for rural development: an agenda for action (January 2003)
  53. http://www.fao.org/sd/2003/kn0202_en.htm

  54. Final Communiqué on Aid Agencies Workshop on "Education for rural people: Targeting the poor", Rome, Italy, 12-13 (January 2003)


  55. Brochure on Education for Rural People printed for the "People Centred Development Day" http://www.unesco.org/education/efa/know_sharing/flagship_initiatives/rural_education.pdf


  56. Food for thought: Education for Rural People - Knowledge as a tool to fight hunger and poverty (2002)
  57. http://www.fao.org/english/newsroom/news/2002/12280-en.html

  58. Education for Rural People: The FAO and UNESCO are making a joint call for Education for rural people (2002)
  59. http://www.fao.org/ruralyouth/education.html

  60. The FAO and UNESCO are making a joint call for Education for rural people (December 2002)


  61. The Aid Agencies Workshop on "Education for rural people: Targeting the poor", Rome, Italy, 12-13 December 2002 (Announcement, December 2002)


  62. Workshop on "Education for rural development in Asia: Experiences and Policy Lessons" Bangkok, Thailand, 5-7 November 2002. (Final communiqué, December 2002)


  63. The Dakar Framework for Action - Education for All: Meeting our Collective Commitments by focusing on Education for rural people (December 2002)


  64. Education for Rural people :Towards new policy responses (November 2002)


  65. Compendium of Experiences of Italian NGOs in Education for Rural People (October 2002)


  66. Director-General's speech at the launching of the new FAO/UNESCO Flagship Programme on 'Education for Rural People (September 2002)
  67. http://www.fao.org/sd/2002/kn0904_en.htm

  68. Launching a new flagship on education for rural people (February 2003)


  69. New FAO-UNESCO Education for rural people flagship

    http:// www.fao.org/ruralyouth/news.html (September 2002)

  70. Launching a new flagship on education for rural people


  71. FAO and UNESCO propose a joint partnership to promote education in the rural world (UN System Network on Rural development and Food Security, October 2002)


  المطبوعات الإلكترونية

  1. Ciancarelli, A. Aspetti Geografici del Partenariato della FAO: Educational for Rural People (ERP)
    FAO, 2011


  2. Agricultural Knowledge and Information Systems for Rural Development (AKIS/RD)


  3. Education for Rural People - Main Policy Issues


  4. Le projet « Education pour tous » dans un contexte rural au Sénégal


  5. The Role of Agricultural Colleges and Universities in Rural Development and Lifelong Learning in Asia


  6. Method, creativity and CIALs.


  7. The Evolution of Agricultural Education and Training: Global Insights of Relevance for Africa.


  8. Empowering women farmers in China in Education Today Newsletter, October 2005 - January 2006


  9. Malawis' Rural Adolescent Girls Education


  10. Forestry education in Sub-saharan Africa and Southeast Asia


  11. The uplift and empowerment of rural women (Farmer's wife) (May 2003)


  12. Revisiting garden based learning in basic education" (May 2003)


  13. Practical Subjects in Basic Education. Relevance At Last or Second Rate Education? Lessons from 40 Years of Experience (April 2003)


  14. Educación en alimentación y Nutrición para la ensenanza basica (Spanish) by FAO, Chilean Government, The Chilean University and The Institute of Nutrition and Food Technology,



  15. Education opportunities for hill tribes in Northern Thailand: Implications for sustainable rural development (July 2002):


  16. Primary school agriculture : What can it realistically achieve?" (July 2002):
  17. http://www.fao.org/sd/2002/kn0701_en.htm

  18. Targeting the rural poor: the role of education and training (March 2002)


  19. World Food Summit Five Years Later: The Challenge of Feeding and Educating All (October 2001)


  20. A Compendium of FAO Experience in Basic Education: All for Education and Food for All. (October 2001) :


  21. Distance education and distance learning: A framework for the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (September 2001):


  22. Distance Learning for Food Security and Rural Development: A Perspective from the United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (International review Research in Open and distance Learning, IRRODL, April 2002)


  23. From agriculture to rural development: critical choices for agriculture education (April 2001)


  24. Education for Agriculture and Rural Development in Low-Income Countries: Implications of the Digital Divide (March 2001)
  25. http://www.fao.org/sd/2001/kn0301a_en.htm

  26. From agricultural education to education for rural development and food security. All for education and food for all (October 2000)


  27. Participatory curriculum development study: A training Guide (abstract)
